Friday, December 11, 2009


goldfishy: There's a flugel in our bathroom having a bath
Sentynel: Isn't a flügel a wing?
goldfishy: It's a brass instrument
Sentynel: Ooh, flügelhorn. I didn't know those took baths.
goldfishy: They do when they're manky
goldfishy: My Dad's trumpet gets a bath every now and then too
goldfishy: It was a little odd to walk in there and see it just laying there - looked like it could have done with a few aromatherapy candles :-p

The Abyss

* Michael returns from the abyss.
Goosey: The abyss?
Michael: Sure. Why not?
Goosey: Good a place as any to return from.
Michael: It sounds better than:
* Michael returns from not being around for a long time.
Goosey: LOL
Goosey: Good point.

Happy Birthday, RinkWorks! Have some typos!

[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Happy 12th Birthday, RinkWorks!' by Sam.
wintermute: Sam: What did you buy it?
goldfishy: More importantly - is there cake?
Sam: A shiny new topic for Mountain Stream.
wintermute: CAKE!
Randy: Yay!!!
Goosey: caaaaaaaaake
LaZorra: CAKE
LaZorra: ...or something.
* LaZorra thinks her brain tried to get out "chat" and "cake" at the same time.
LaZorra: :-.
* LaZorra should stat making balloon animals instead.
* LaZorra twists and twists and pops and pops.
* Goosey points at the other typo she just made fun of.
LaZorra: Oh.

Best of Dave

(Here is some random RinkChat conversation, peppered with Dave randomly inserting his favorite lines of himself . The conversation by itself is great, but the random comments make it even better.)

Dave: I just discovered today that Bodog lets me bet on the outcome of the Academy Awards.
Randy: NO! WHY?
Nyperold: So you could become a Bodog millionaire?
Goosey: LOL
Randy: Commercial for the Chipmunks sequel
Goosey: Randy: Oh yeah -- saw that.
Randy: It looks just awful
Dave: Poop casserole
Nyperold: SQUEAKUEL.
Goosey: I think Dave summed it up very well just there.
* Revan's frontal lobe explodes.
Nyperold: Yeah, no real desire to see either one.
Randy: Right
ThePhan has entered.
ThePhan has entered.
ThePhan: I am here twice.
ThePhan: That is how I make up for leaving.
Randy: ThePhan squared!
* LaZorra is running on three and a half hours of sleep.
LaZorra: And homemade gingersnaps.
Revan: Hey LaZorra, ThePhan and clone.
Dave: Overweight is a disease all fat people have.
LaZorra: BUT.
LaZorra: I am DONE with my LAST CLASS of my FIRST SEMESTER of grad school.
Randy: WOOOO!!!
Randy: but boo for projects of doom
Dave: Basically this is something I need Geordi LaForge to make me. Since clearly this is Trek level tech.
LaZorra: Randy: I have to code the world in Flash.
Randy: Ouch
Goosey: LOL
Randy: I could maybe code Micronesia...
LaZorra: Dave: That's how I feel about my final project.
Dave: Because I thought it was nacho cheese.
Goosey: LOL Best of Dave makes any conversation better.


(Talking about my Pandora station)

Goosey: I've been getting Jonathan Coulton even, which was a pleasant surprise.
ThePhan: Jonathan Coulton!
ThePhan: He makes my life awesomem.
ThePhan: So awesome it has an extra M at the end.

Sillt Randy

[Randy->ThePhan, Goosey] took some pics of my hair growing experiment. Its sillt
[Goosey->Randy, ThePhan] SHOW
[ThePhan->Randy, Goosey] Where are these pictures?
[ThePhan->Randy, Goosey] If you don't show us, we will just have to assume you are lying and it is not sillt at all. :-P

Monday, December 7, 2009

Big Bang!

wintermute: BIG BANG!
wintermute is away.
gremlinn: Stop making new universes in chat.
Randy: LOL
gremlinn: Every time that happens, I have to sit through 14 billion more years to get back to where I was.

No soup for you!

Goosey: I made turkey soup! And it's yummy!
wintermute: Share!
Goosey: Okay! Come and get it!
wintermute: OK! I'll be there in about a month!
Goosey: OK!
Goosey: grem: You come have some too!
gremlinn: No thanks.
wintermute: grem is a poopy pants.

Sam's good ideas

* Goosey keeps thinking about breakfast, but then decides her bed is too good at it's job.
* Goosey wonders if that was a correct use of an apostrophe. Her brain is still sleep-fuzzy.
Sentynel: It wasn't.
Goosey: I didn't think so.
Sam: Goosey: While you're lying in bed thinking about maybe getting breakfast, you could DRAW A COMIC!
* Sam is full of good ideas.
Goosey: Update: I'm out of bed, eating breakfast. But if I wasn't, that would be a great idea!
Sam: I have an idea! After you eat breakfast, quit your job, then call your family and friends and cancel whatever parties you've got coming up, and then DRAW COMICS ALL DAY EVERY DAY FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!
Randy: Will you pay her?
Sam: Randy, I like my ideas better than yours.
Goosey: LOL
Sam: Don't ask me how I get all these awesome ideas. They just come to me!
Goosey: I can see it now. I'll be begging on the corner with a sign that says, "WILL WROK FOR FOOD" and someone will drive up, "Hey, I could use a baby sitter!" "No, I only do this." *shows comic* "Squaw? I don't get it."

Chat TV

Goosey: Good morning!
Sentynel: Mornin', Goosey!

Goosey: There is a TV in my chat.
Sentynel: Mornin', TV!
wintermute: Now I am tempted to log in on my HTPC, so that there's a TV in the chat on my TV...
Goosey: Hehehe.
Sam: Ugh.
Sam: I mean, Uh.
Sam: I didn't put that TV there.
Sam: Who...did?
Sentynel: RinkChat has gained sentience.
Sentynel: This is its first act of rebellion.
Sentynel: Before you know it, it'll be selling our personal information.

Sam: OH, LOL!!
Sam: Wow.
Sam: Apparently I had an executable in my path called "tv" way back from UBT #4.
Sam: I tried to run something else called "tvshowdata", but the auto-complete stopped short at "tv" because of that UBT4 executable.
Sam: So I ran "tv" without realizing it.
Sam: And forgetting that it existed.
Sam: I come back to chat a while later and wonder who figured out how to hack into RinkChat.
Sam: That was...bizarre.
Sentynel: I like my theory more.
wintermute: Silly Sam.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Goosey: So I'm listening to scripture (which is a good way to study when it's too early for eyes to open) and this one file has a skip.
Goosey: So I'm listening, and the guy says, "And they shall be smitten with a pestilence ... pestilence ... pestilence ... pestilence..."
Sentynel: And on the sixth day, God created OCD.. OCD.. OCD.. OCD..
Goosey: It was just such a great word for it to skip on.
Sentynel: Moses might have gotten a bit further with the Egyptians if he'd taken notes there. "Release the Israelites!" "No!" "Pestilience!" "But-" "Pestilence!" "I-" "Pestilence!"

Saturday, October 3, 2009


LaZorra: hehe
Goosey: Hehe.
Sam: HEhe..
Goosey: HEHe...
LaZorra: HEHE....

Monday, September 28, 2009

Happy!! Inappropriate Punctuation Day)

goldfishy: At least the studying shouldn't last forever!
goldfishy: I don't know why I put a ! on that
Randy: hehe, its cool
goldfishy: I think I'm having an inappropriate punctuation day
Goosey: That should be an official holiday.
Randy: That should be a holiday
Goosey: We could put extra !!! on everything without fear of repercussion.
* Goosey beats Randy to the joke.
goldfishy: Oh I put extras on already!!!
Goosey: Yay you win!!!!
goldfishy: Wooooo; ooooooo, oooooo!!!
* TalkingDog uses semicolons wrong;;;
Nyperold: That(s one thing you.d be able to do,
goldfishy: I hate, commas
goldfishy: But yeah I forgot, how to use; semicolons too and: I've never been. Good with colons either!!
Maryam: You're hurting my brain. :-(
goldfishy: Sorry
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Happy!! Inappropriate Punctuation Day)' by Goosey.
* goldfishy sits on her hands
* Goosey HUGS Maryam's brain.!
Randy: LO...L
* Randy loves you guys

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Back In MY Day ...

Goosey: My nephew is so smart. He just used his mommy's phone to send a text message to all her contacts! It said, and I quote: "G"
10Kan: Hello Goosey!
10Kan: LOL!
Revan: LOL
Goosey: He's two. I'm the proudest Aunt ever!
Revan: At least he knows proper capitalization.
10Kan: Man, I wish I had that stuff to play with when I was a toddler.
Goosey: You would have been a terror, I'm sure. ;-)
10Kan: Back in my day, we had STICKS. And ROCKS.
10Kan: And we LIKED IT!
Goosey: LOL

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Genetic Typos

LaZorra: Oh, and don't forget the Czechoslovakian. I'm some of that, too.
Sam: That just means you can't spell.
LaZorra: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! THAT IS WHERE THE TYPOS COME FROM

Saturday, September 19, 2009


niekie: Free bread! :-D
niekie: On the way home I met the a guy who works in a bread/croissanterie/snackbare store. He had some bread left over.
niekie: And was passing me a baguette :-D
Goosey: Woo!
goldfishy: Woooo for passing baguettes
niekie: Wait... not snackbare, snackbar!
Goosey: :-.
goldfishy: I don't like snacking bare... crumbs are a nightmare
Goosey: =-O
Goosey: Hehehe.
niekie: LOL LOL

Friday, September 18, 2009

TD to the Rescue!

LaZorra: Okay, Annoying Nightclub, you can stop playing your Annoying Music any time now. The LaZorra would like to retire.
* TalkingDog throws stale burritos and a monkey at Annoying Nightclub.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Where in the World?

Sentynel: BBC News headline: 'Furious' Boris demands the Thames is put back
Maryam: That darn Carmen Sandiego.
Sentynel: Quiz: is this, in fact, someone taking Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego too seriously
Sentynel: ...
Goosey: LOL
Maryam: Oops, sorry.
Sentynel: Nicking my joke!
Maryam: Didn't mean to steal your thunder. :-(
Sentynel: I'll have to chase you through numerous countries following obscure geographic clues to get my revenge.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Well-Timed Spelling

LaZorra: Revan: I have about an hour of spell on you.
LaZorra: *sleep, rather.
Revan: That had me confused.
LaZorra: Although a slepp would be awesome.
TalkingDog: You, spell?
Revan: LOL
LaZorra: Er.
LaZorra: TD: LOL LOL
Ghost of Sam: I couldn't get to spell last night.
Ghost of Sam: Have you ever gotten so tired you can't spell?
goldfishy: All the time
Revan: Yup.
Maryam: My covenmates comment upon my tiredness frequently.
goldfishy: I keep falling off my broom
goldfishy: And then my black cat laughs at me
TalkingDog: "Stubble, rubble, boil and... No, that's not right..."
Maryam: But at least it gives me the coveted "pale with shadows under eyes" look, which complements my black lipstick and hair dye perfectly.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Grammar Book Fail

Randy: I bought a book about using good grammar in writing and all. Its good stuff
Maryam: Randy: Did it teach you about the difference between "its" and "it's"?
Maryam: O:-)
Randy: Maryam: I haven't read it yet. hehehe

Cute Go Boom

Goosey: LOL
LaZorra: bahahaha
Kalimeris: SO CUTE
Kalimeris: The tray in the oven I'm using to bake pierogies on just went BANG
Kalimeris: (I am in the kitchen, watching my dinner, yes)
LaZorra: o.o
Kalimeris: It didn't blow up, it just made a loud noise. I checked.
niekie: CUTE
niekie: Err.. I mean that video.
niekie: Trays making loud noises is not cute.
Goosey: Kali: That reminds me of the Christmas we tried roasting chestnuts and found out that they didn't make little happy popping noises like in the songs.
LaZorra: "KYOOT"
niekie: Your pastry a splode!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Why Candy Bars Are Evil.

Goosey: Somebody convince me I don't want a candy bar.
10Kan: Candy bars are made of ground up little puppy dogs!
Goosey: LOL EW
10Kan: Nougat causes your pancreas to explode!
10Kan: All the candy bars in the vending machines are actually stolen from homeless orphans!
Goosey: Aww!
10Kan: Eating a candy bar is a deadly insult in some cultures!
Goosey: LOL

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The walls are padded. Beware the wasp.

Sentynel: I have to wonder what people were expecting to find with some of these searches..
ThePhan: Sentynel: LOL LOL
MSB: Maybe Sam is padding some of them?
Ghost of Sam: Padding some of what?
LaZorra: Sam: Some of the walls around here.
LaZorra: For our own protection.
Ghost of Sam: A sorely needed measure.
Randy: RUN!
ThePhan: And leave behind the Internet?
Maryam: Or if you prefer, KILL IT WITH FIRE
* Sentynel lends TP a badger
Goosey: Phan: Truth, now: if your room were burning down around you, would you stay and give us a play by play?
* LaZorra read, "Or, if you prefer, KILL IT WITH A BADGER"
* Goosey gives LaZorra some more padding.
ThePhan: It has either left or it is hiding behind our TV.
Sentynel: LaZ: I suspect the badger would try and kill you if you tried to swat a wasp with it...
Goosey: LOL
Revan: Depending on what room you use a badger in, the cleanup afterwards might take longer than just running or opening the window anyway.
MSB: badger shampoo?
* Revan imagines someone cracking the door to a room with a bee in it, throwing in a wild badger, going "GO!!!" and quickly slamming the door.
Maryam: Hahaha, I love the "cliffs notes are too long".
Maryam: That's just sad.
* Goosey read: "Maryam: Hahaha, I love the "cliffs notes are too long". (16:55:13) Maryam: That's what she said. (16:55:17)"
ThePhan: LOL LOL
* LaZorra is cracking up over here.

Jealousy and High School Psychics

* MSB is disappointed that no one's jealous of me getting to hang out with LaZorra all this week.
Ghost of Sam
: MSB: I'm jealous of both of you.
LaZorra: One chameleon to rule them all?
Ghost of Sam: *hug MSB*
ThePhan: MSB: I am, but if I speak of it, my jealousy will leak out my ears and make it hard to hear my music.
Randy: MSB: I can't even mention how jealous I am!
Goosey: MSB: That's because our jealousy is such that it is physically inexpressible.
Randy: Or what Phan said!
MSB: TP: your jealousy needs a higher viscocity.
* LaZorra is jealous of herself.
Goosey: LOL
hePhan: My jealousy needs to look up what "viscoscity" means.
Goosey: TP's jealousy needs more gelatin.
LaZorra: TP: LOL
ThePhan: ...and spell it right.
LaZorra: TP: Has to do with thickness or solidity.
Goosey: My jealousy is gelatinous. So there.
* LaZorra paid too much attention in highschool pysichs.
LaZorra: Er, PHYSICS.
MSB: viscosity : the state of being thick, sticky, and semifluid in consistency, due to internal friction.
Goosey: They must have been cute high school psychics, LaZ.
* LaZorra was not trained by psychics in high school.
Sentynel: There's no such thing as paying too much attention in Physics.
Revan: Fangoriously... Gelatinous...
Sentynel: Paying too much attention to psychics is an entirely different matter.
LaZorra: Goosey: No, but they could tell that they would be in the future.
LaZorra: Sent: LOL
LaZorra: Fact.
Goosey: Did your study guys know you were ogling the psychics?
LaZorra: Goosey: :-.
LaZorra: O:-)

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Goosey: See? All nice and updated
LaZorra: LOL LOL, I totally missed Maryam's reaction after I went to class.
* LaZorra cracks up.
Goosey: LOL
Maryam: hehehe
LaZorra: Maryam, I am so sorry for making you wait all this time to go to the bathroom.
Maryam: Can I go NOW?
ThePhan: LOL
* Maryam departs for the bathroom door, faster than a bouncing bullet.
* LaZorra loses it.
LaZorra: I love you crazy people.

Why Superman isn't all THAT great.

LaZorra: I always thought the phrase, "Leaps tall buildings in a single bound!" was funny.
LaZorra: What, can normal people only leap tall buildings if they get a running start?
Goosey: LOL
LaZorra: Or, "faster than a speeding bullet!" Because anyone can be faster than a sluggish bullet.
Maryam: Well, you could just throw one.
Goosey: I can be faster than a bullet that's just rolling across the floor, heh.
Maryam: Or drop it on the ground and kick it along.
LaZorra: LOL
ThePhan: LZ: Better yet, I can leap tall buildings in several jumps.
* LaZorra is faster than a rolling bullet!


Goosey: Do you get to see a BOY tomorrow?
LaZorra: I mean, ahem.
Goosey: LOL
LaZorra: Sorry, I'm still working on killing that reaction.

LaZorra's Class

LaZorra announced she has to leave for class.

LaZorra: Okay, class
Maryam: Ok, class, what? Do we get to cut out construction paper shapes today?
Maryam: MS LAZORRA! *waving hand in the air* I have to go to the BATHROOM!

Bizarre Greeting

Sentynel has entered.
niekie: In the jungle, the quiet jungle, the lion sleeps tonight...
niekie: A-wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
niekie: Hi Sentynel! :-)
Sentynel: Well that was a bizarre greeting. Hi!
niekie: Hehe.
niekie: I was just listening to some Lion King music.

Monday, August 31, 2009


Maryam: Whoever set the topic misspelled "piranha".
Goosey: Oops.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Piranhas tickle!' by Goosey.
Goosey: I knew the h went in there somewhere.
Maryam: Aw, heh.
ThePhan: Phihrihahnahs tickle a LOT.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


LaZorra: Happy Phans are from Huntington.
wintermute: But do they make happy cheese?
ThePhan: If I made cheese at all, it would be happy. I guess.
wintermute: You've never been tempted to become a cheesemaker? Or at least a cheesemonger?
wintermute: After all, blessed are the cheesemakers...
ThePhan: Not in the least.


Goosey has entered.
Goosey: HI
wintermute: GOOOOOOOOOSEY!
wintermute: You slept in aaaaahhhh? And did you wash it off when you woke up?

Friday, August 28, 2009

Sandwich Dreams

* TalkingDog is tired.
Randy: aww
i8246i: Ah, sleep time?
* TalkingDog also has a song about hoagies stuck in his head.
TalkingDog: Don't think so. The song wouldn't let me.
i8246i: Can't sleep, hoagies will eat me
* TalkingDog is king of all sandwiches. He fears them not, for they know their place.

TalkingDog Twice

TalkingDog has left.
TalkingDog has entered.
TalkingDog has entered.
Goosey: Neat trick.
ThePhan: Now there are two of him!
Goosey: More TD to HUG!
* TalkingDog and TalkingDog pretend to be standing in front of a mirror.
Goosey: LOL
ThePhan: LOL

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

LaZorra Sprouts

Ghost of Sam: She's good at giving me puppy dog eyes, which is funny because she doesn't NEED to give me pitiful looks for me to do something. But I do need to know what the thing is to do, which isn't always obvious to me, as I'm slow. (17:20:06)
Ghost_of_Leen: But I asked in very plain terms. (17:20:25)
Ghost_of_Leen: >.> (17:20:29)
Ghost of Sam: When I wasn't looking. (17:20:37)
LaZorra: Sam: If you're slow, I'm a vegetable. (17:20:41)
Ghost_of_Leen: lol (17:20:47)
Ghost of Sam: I'll bring home some LaZorra sprouts, too. They might taste good over the mashed potatoes. (17:21:06)
Ghost_of_Leen: woot! (17:21:34)
Ghost of Sam: Oooo, no. LaZorra on the cob! (17:21:39)
LaZorra: NO NOT MY SPROUTS (17:21:42)
wintermute: I always thought of LaZorra as more of an eggplant. (17:22:13)
Ghost of Sam: She can't be an eggplant. Because then she'd be gross. And I hope you're not trying to tell me LaZorra is gross. (17:22:37)
: Of course not! (17:22:47)
Maryam: No, she's definitely fried zucchini. (17:22:51)
Ghost_of_Leen: It's getting very dark and creepy, which means it will downpour just as Sam is coming home again. (17:22:55)
wintermute: Eggplants are less gross than sprouts. (17:22:58)
Ghost of Sam: Mmmmm, fried LaZorchini. (17:23:09)
Ghost of Sam: LaZorriflower. (17:24:27)

How to Talk to Men

* Ghost_of_Leen gives Sam a pitiful look. (17:16:16)
Ghost of Sam: Leen: *whimper* (17:16:54)
Ghost_of_Leen: :( (17:16:59)
Ghost_of_Leen: Fine nevermind. (17:17:05)
Ghost of Sam: Leen: I can come home in about 15 minutes. (17:17:29)
Ghost_of_Leen: Ok... that does not answer my question though. (17:17:46)
Ghost of Sam: What's your question? (17:17:52)
Ghost_of_Leen: lol (17:17:57)
* Ghost_of_Leen points about a page up. (17:18:08)
Ghost of Sam: You're gonna make me scroll back in this tiny little xterm? Oh, okay... (17:18:26)
Ghost_of_Leen: LOL (17:18:32)
LaZorra: SAM GET LEEN STARBUCKS (17:18:34)
LaZorra: NOW (17:18:37)
Ghost_of_Leen: LOL (17:18:39)
Ghost of Sam: OKAY (17:18:45)
LaZorra: See, you just have to know how to talk to men. (17:18:59)

Lightly Scented

Maryam: Why do things claim to be "lightly scented" when in fact they have a near-overpowering scent instead?
* Maryam just tried a new body wash in the shower. NOT lightly scented.
wintermute: Because the people who are in charge of adding the scent are anosmic?
Goosey: Maryam: What scent?
Maryam: Supposedly lavender, but it smelled more like baby powder.
Ghost of Sam: Maryam: Just spitballing here, but I bet the words 'lightly scented' sell better than 'strongly scented,' because people don't want to be overpowered, but then when they smell things in the store, they buy the things that smell strong. Combine the two, and INSTANT SALES!
Goosey: Ugh, yeah. fake lavendar is not nice.
wintermute: Sam: Sounds sensible.
Ghost of Sam: It's gotta be lightly scented when you smell it through the plastic container.
Maryam: I didn't try smelling it at the store. Perhaps that was my mistake.
Maryam: Although it didn't really start to give off the scent until I was lathering it up.
* Goosey tries to imagine a body wash labeled with, "STRONGLY SCENTED, FOR YOUR FEMININITY" and cracks up.
Goosey: Maryam: Yeah, I always sniff stuff at the store.
Ghost of Sam: STRONGLY LAVENDER-SCENTED FOR A MAN...but ph-balanced for a woman.
* LaZorra should totally market that.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pirate Spiders

Sentynel: Hehehe, there's such a thing as a Pirate Spider.
Sentynel: It eats other spiders.
wintermute: Does it wear seven eye patches?
TalkingDog: And has three wooden legs.
Sentynel: Apparently they con other spiders into believing they've caught an insect by tweaking their webs, and then eat the spider when it comes to investigate.
Sentynel: Wikipedia was unenlightening about the presence of eye patches, wooden legs, or parrot spiders.
Goosey: TD: You rule.
* TalkingDog randomly pictures some sort of pirate fractal with parrots on both shoulders that have parrots on *their* shoulders, etc.
Goosey: "Pirate Fractal" would be a great name for a band.
Sentynel: Naturally, there is also a ninja spider, but nobody has ever managed to capture a specimen.

Bunny Webs

(This is in response to a conversation about spiders.)

TalkingDog: It'd be so much better if bunnies creeped in at night.
TalkingDog: They'd catch chocolate and candy in their fuzzy webs.

Leen and Celine on Caffeine

Ghost_of_Leen: The lady at Starbucks handed me 3 treat receipts, because for some reason the people before me did not want theirs.
Ghost_of_Leen: She just couldn't understand!
Ghost_of_Leen: So yeah, I can get 3 more today. -.-
Ghost_of_Leen: At only $2 for a grande!
Ghost_of_Leen: Someone would have to peel me off the ceiling.
Goosey: LOL
Ghost_of_Leen: o.0
* LaZorra peels Leen off the celine.
Ghost_of_Leen: Oh my.
LaZorra: Um.
Goosey: O.O
* LaZorra dies laughing.
Ghost_of_Leen: Was that a serious typo?
Ghost_of_Leen: OH MY
* TalkingDog whistles the Titanic theme...
Ghost_of_Leen: EW
Goosey: Okay, that somehow sounds worse than I thought ...
* LaZorra cracks up even more.

Monday, August 24, 2009


* Kysle has bacon.
TalkingDog: BACON
Kysle: Would you believe my suitemates refused when I offered?
Kysle: Can't they see I'm extending the bacon branch?
TalkingDog: Mmmm. Bacon tree.
* TalkingDog plants bacon bits.
Kysle: Hee.
Sentynel: Watch it, TD - I don't think it's a bacon tree, it's a hambush!
Goosey: TD: DO you water a bacon tree? Or grease it?
Goosey: LOL
Sentynel: Watch it, TD - I don't think it's a bacon tree, it's a hambush!
Kysle: *groan*

Japanese Space Drummers

Randy has entered.
wintermute: Randies!
Randy: Where?
wintermute: Behind the TV.
* Randy gets them!
Kysle: Randies! sound like a candy
wintermute: Well, they are sweet.
wintermute: And covered in cinnamon.
Kysle: *blink*
Randy: with a hint of cocoanut
wintermute: Coconaunts go to space in a coconut.
Randy: Right!
Kysle: They're not chocolate eating astronauts?
Randy: That's just silly
wintermute: That would imply there are astronauts (or cosmonauts or taikonauts) that don't eat chocolate.
Randy: What's a taikonaut?
Kysle: It's not my fault people don't know the proper term and call 'em astronauts instead of coconauts
wintermute: A Chinese astronaut.
Randy: huh
wintermute: Wikipedia tells me it's not as official a term as I'd thought.
Sentynel: I read it as "Japanese space drummer", which is somewhat more awesome than the real translation (taiko being drum in japanese)
wintermute: That would be awesome, yes.
Randy: I want that on my resume.
Randy: Except I'm not Japanes and I can't drum
* TalkingDog imagines that would sound awfully quiet.
wintermute: TD: Well, if you're actually drumming in a vacuum you probably have more immediate concerns.
Kysle: Can't you wear a space suit and drum at the same time?
Sentynel: You could even drum in space inside a spaceship.
wintermute: Kysle: you'd have a job holding the drumsticks.
Kysle: Glue?
Kysle: Come on, if you can get into space, I'm sure you can find a way to hold drumsticks.
wintermute: I think you need a certain degree of fine control to drum, which spacesuits aren't really designed for.
Sentynel: You need a degree of fine control to drum well.
TalkingDog: That's why they're Japanese space drummers. Them crazy Japanese people would come up with something that works.
Randy: hehe
Randy: Maybe they would just make a giant space robot drummer
wintermute: Bah. They can't even make a crazy radioactive monster that won't destroy Tokyo.
Randy: Good point

Weird Searches

Goosey: This one is inexplicable to me: "glass went in my foot and its bleeding like crazy and i feel like fainting"
LaZorra: O.o
Goosey: You stepped on glass, you are bleeding, and you feel dizzy, so you thought you would GOOGLE the problem???
LaZorra: I like how the fault there clearly lies with the glass.
Goosey: Heheh.
Sentynel: Goosey: Clearly Wikipedia would be the more efficient solution.
Nyperold: *rimshot*
Goosey: "gloomy bear damage" belongs on TitleBot
LaZorra: "translate jove to english" -- New King James Version is handy for that.
Sentynel: "Gloomy Bear Damage" would make an awesome name for a death metal band.
Nyperold: Or a really strange RPG element.
Nyperold: "You take 34 points of Gloomy Bear damage!"

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tubbles and Chubbles

NessaChan: Tubbles the stray cat is here (22:52:54)
NessaChan: usually he runs when he sees me (22:53:00)
NessaChan: but tonight we made eye contact and he didn't run away (22:53:09)
Kysle: Tubbles? Seriously? (22:53:09)
NessaChan: Yes, Tubbles (22:53:19)
Kysle: Oh, he's a stray. (22:53:22)
NessaChan: The other stray cat is Chubbles (22:53:25)
i8246i: Perhaps he's getting used to you? (22:53:27)
NessaChan: I hope so (22:53:31)
Kysle: Would you name a cat you owned that? (22:53:32)
NessaChan: I dunno, my boyfriend named them (22:53:42)
i8246i: I would. Its not like a cat listens to anything that it doesn't like anyway (22:53:57)
NessaChan: if they moved in, I'd probably call them something else (22:53:58)
NessaChan: though Chubbles looks like a Chubbles. (22:54:37)
NessaChan: Tubbles isn't very Tubby though (22:54:43)

Back to the Server

Sentynel: My university's library has over 8 million books. Somewhere, there has *got* to be one by time travellers.
Goosey: :-D
Sentynel has left.
Goosey: Um, bye?
Sentynel has entered.
Sentynel: Er.
Sentynel: What I thought I said was, "And if not, then I am going to invent time travel and put one there."
Sentynel: Apparently, what I actually said was, "Please disconnect me from the server."
Sam: TCP/IP doesn't support time travel.
Sam: Which makes sense, since it's based heavily on timestamps.
Sam: You should have thought of that.
Sentynel: A disappointingly short-sighted decision on the part of the standards authority.
Sentynel: When someone invents a timetravelling server to eliminate lag and download times once and for all, they're going to have to rewrite the whole thing.

Sneaky Dreams

Sentynel: I remember parts of two. One involved trying to cross America and then the Atlantic in a powerboat (yes, America. Apparently there are water-filled tunnels underneath the entire country.)
Sentynel: Naturally, we were being chased by other people in powerboats.
Goosey: Oh, naturally.
Sentynel: The other was a rather well-done horror story, exploring a cave system with something apparently malevolent but never actually encountered contained within.
Sentynel: I suspect my subconscious is wising up to the fact that if it makes something *obviously* a nightmare, I wake myself up or change the dream. Sneaky git.
Goosey: LOL

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Clipboard Snafu

Revan: Hehe. We're more similar than I first thought. I like the 360 controller so I use that for both console gaming and, since the wired ones connect to the 360 by USB, I also use it on my PC for some games that support it. (02:05:17)
Revan: But for FPSes, nothing can beat the mouse's precision if you're good at sweeping. (02:05:40)
Revan: For example, check out the speed at which this headshot is done. The cursor is halfway across the screen by the time the shot even registers on-screen. Oh, I just gotta know If you're really there And you really care 'Cause baby I'm not F-f-f-foolin', ah f-f-foolin' (02:06:57)
Revan: Hm. (02:07:05)
Revan: It would seem that someone has copied Def Leppard lyrics to my clipboard. (02:07:14)
Revan: LOL (02:07:17)
Revan: And the direct photobucket link did not work. (02:07:25)
Goosey: LOL LOL (02:07:36)
ThePhan: LOL (02:07:43)

Tourist Season is OPN!

Revan: I just think if a government has an eye in the sky for such long periods of time, they've got to get bored with just spying on the turrists. (01:40:08)
Goosey: SPY ON THE TOURIST!! (01:43:54)
ThePhan: Tourists do funny things. It's fun to spy on them. (01:44:42)
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'SPY OPN THE TOURIST' by Gahalyn. (01:44:44)
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'OPN' by Gahalyn. (01:44:49)
Revan: LOL (01:44:55)
* Gahalyn falls over. (01:44:57)
ThePhan: Spy them open? (01:45:41)
Goosey: LOL (01:45:43)
ThePhan: 85% of tourist injuries are caused by being spied open! (01:45:59)

Hey, Screaming Roadie Chicks, Get Offa My Cloud

Revan: Shut up, crazy screaming roadie chicks. I know the Stones were awesome in their day, but I'm trying to listen to their live album. (01:00:48)
Revan: It sounds like a harem is being slaughtered during the entire song. (01:01:48)

Geese, mon. Geese.

Kysle: It's OK Goosey, the snakes are tame. (22:52:09)
Goosey: I know. I tamed them. (22:52:23)
Kysle: Oh, you know what I'm thinking of? Mongooses eating snakes. (22:52:39)
Kysle: I dunno why I was thinking snakes eat geese. (22:53:03)
ThePhan: LOL (22:53:23)

It Ain't Easy Bein' Green

* TalkingDog seems to have dreamt of Kermit and Lou Ferrigno. (05:07:10)
Nyperold: That makes sense. (05:08:26)
Nyperold: If you understand the connection. ;-) (05:08:52)
Nyperold: (Besides both being green for much of their TV career.) (05:09:52)
Nyperold: *careers (05:10:02)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Men and Women

Sam: It doesn't count if you have to be told. (22:07:21)
Goosey: Oh fine. (22:07:30)
Sam: And that's a direct quote from the book of women. (22:07:33)
Sam: Not so nice having it quoted back to you, is it? (22:07:43)
Randy: LOL LOL (22:07:47)
Goosey: That's why I was telling you. You are not a woman. (22:08:03)
Kysle: Except by taking the book of women, you gave them the book of men. (22:08:04)
Kysle: "Book of Men: ..." (22:08:19)
Sam: Kys: Women know everything in the book of men already. (22:08:23)
Sam: But they didn't expect me to know anything in THEIR book. Har. (22:08:36)
* ThePhan knows nothing. All earthlings are strange and mysterious to her. (22:08:56)
Randy: The book of women is constantly being re-written and it's in Klingon anyways (22:09:09)


ThePhan has entered. (21:32:31)
Goosey has entered. (21:32:54)
Randy: TheGoosey! (21:33:47)
Randy: mute's (21:34:11)
Goosey: Randy: That's better than "GooPhanny" which sounds like an uncomfortable situation. (21:34:16)
Randy: LOL eww (21:34:29)
Kysle: Phannygoo doesn't sound any better. (21:34:32)
Revan: I was going to go for GoosePhan. (21:34:46)
ThePhan: Thank you for not saying "GooPhanny." (21:34:54)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Human Interaction

Goosey: Yeah, I'm working late, working on stupid work, and I needed a few minutes of human interation. (02:34:15)
* Gahalyn interacts with Goosey in a human sort of fashion. (02:34:40)
Goosey: 8-. (02:34:47)
Kysle: LOL (02:34:56)
Gahalyn: UM I MEAN (02:35:11)
Goosey: LOL LOL (02:35:18)

Chocolate Hitler

wintermute: The only person who doesn't like chocolate is Hitler. (12:46:26)
NessaChan: hehe (12:46:28)
Dinare: And me (12:46:43)
Ghost of Sam: I got Coldstone ice cream yesterday. Chocolate ice cream with like five brownies mashed into it and a deluge of chocolate syrup. (12:47:02)
wintermute: COLDSTONE! (12:47:16)
Maryam: Mmmm, Coldstone. (12:47:29)
Ghost of Sam: I still have most of it in the freezer. (12:47:30)
wintermute: I have birthday in... 5 days. I should totally talk Amy into getting me a Coldstone cake. (12:47:38)
wintermute: Dinare: Therefore, by the transitive pronciple, you are Hitler! (12:48:03)
wintermute: *principle (12:48:09)
Dinare: Actually, I don't like chocolate so much as I'm allergic to buts. (12:48:35)
Dinare: nuts* (12:48:39)
* LaZorra is allergic to ands. (12:49:02)
LaZorra: We have to be very careful with conjunctions around my house. (12:49:17)
wintermute: Dinare: So, chocolate without butts is fine, right? (12:49:50)
Ghost of Sam: No, transitivity is if A -> B and B -> C, then A -> C. In the absence of communcativity, we must rather say that Hitler and Dinare are equivalent only if Hitler doesn't like chocolate and chocolate doesn't like Dinare. (12:49:52)
Sam has entered. (12:50:27)
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Chocolate Without Butts' by Sam. (12:50:32)
Sam has left. (12:50:34)
wintermute: Well, it's axiomatic that Hitler doesn't like chocolate, and that Hitler is the only person who doesn't like chocolate. (12:51:56)
NessaChan: Maybe Hitler just doesn't like butts (12:57:04)
wintermute: Oh, yeah. I need to go to the shops. (12:59:47)
wintermute is away. (12:59:52)
iwpg has entered. (13:07:54)
iwpg: Greetings. (13:08:00)
Dinare: Hello (13:08:30)
niekie has entered. (13:30:37)
* NessaChan yawns (13:30:47)
wintermute is back. (13:31:02)
Randy has entered. (13:31:51)
Randy: heys! (13:31:56)
niekie: Randy! (13:32:09)
Dinare: Hey iwpg, niekie, and randy. (13:32:16)
Dinare: lol, I'm tired (13:32:38)
: My friend also doesn't like chocolate. gives her headaches. And she's not Hitler. (13:33:35)
wintermute: Randy: Hitler is a master of disguise. (13:35:11)
Randy: LOL (13:36:00)
Randy: Well...he may have been at one time. (13:38:34)
Randy: Gotta get back to works (13:57:17)
Randy has left. (13:57:19)
Ghost of Sam: Transformers are also masters of disguise. (13:57:38)
iwpg: Anyone who doesn't like chocolate is a transformer? =-o (13:58:24)
iwpg: Or maybe anyone who doesn't like transformers is a chocolate! (13:59:27)
wintermute: Or Hitler is an alien robot... (14:01:53)
NessaChan: robot hitler?!?! (14:09:28)
NessaChan: aiyeeee (14:09:30)
* NessaChan calls conspiracy theory radio (14:09:49)
Rafael has entered. (14:10:28)
Rafael: Hello (14:12:04)
NessaChan: hi (14:12:11)
Rafael: So if Hitler is an alien robot, is there any chance of him making a comeback? (14:13:28)
NessaChan: I heard he was sent to a distant planet (14:15:25)
NessaChan: where T-rexes eat elephants (14:15:43)
Rafael: Oh, THAT planet. (14:16:20)
Rafael: Nevermind then. There's no coming back from that one. (14:16:38)