Saturday, August 22, 2009

Back to the Server

Sentynel: My university's library has over 8 million books. Somewhere, there has *got* to be one by time travellers.
Goosey: :-D
Sentynel has left.
Goosey: Um, bye?
Sentynel has entered.
Sentynel: Er.
Sentynel: What I thought I said was, "And if not, then I am going to invent time travel and put one there."
Sentynel: Apparently, what I actually said was, "Please disconnect me from the server."
Sam: TCP/IP doesn't support time travel.
Sam: Which makes sense, since it's based heavily on timestamps.
Sam: You should have thought of that.
Sentynel: A disappointingly short-sighted decision on the part of the standards authority.
Sentynel: When someone invents a timetravelling server to eliminate lag and download times once and for all, they're going to have to rewrite the whole thing.

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