Monday, July 25, 2011

Lowercase cravings

Goosey: Last night I dreamed I harvested my lone surviving carrot . . .
Goosey: It was dark red, and huge, and had several small round carrots also attached to the same stem . . . so weird . . .
Goosey: Then later in the dream, which involved a strange beach strewn with barbecued ribs . . . Neil Gaiman and Ian McKellen (who was an author in my dream) were fighting over which one of them got me as a writing assistant. :D
Goosey: O__O
LaZorra: er.
* LaZorra forgot she turned her capslock on instead of hitting shift.
* LaZorra is only having lowercase barbecue cravings.

Cute fat pink ... and tired

Goosey: I helped bathe a baby! :D
Randy: awwwwww
Randy: How old?
Goosey: 3 months. :D
Randy: Cute
Goosey: Cute, fat, pink ... hee!
LaZorra: Sounds like the chicken nuggets I had for dinner.
Goosey: LOL LOL
Randy: those might not have been cooked well...
Goosey: And ew, chicken nuggets should NOT be pink.
LaZorra: hehe
LaZorra: I didn't actually have chicken nuggets for dinner.
LaZorra: For some reason, they equate to pink in my head.
* LaZorra is way, way tired.


* Randy is a blonde. Like really blonde.
wintermute: You know that the trailing E makes it feminine, right?
wintermute: On men, it's "blond".
Randy: Really? Then what do I say
Randy: Oh
Randy: Um
Nyperold: You know, someone could say, "Well, that proves it!"...
Goosey: LOL