Wednesday, August 26, 2009

LaZorra Sprouts

Ghost of Sam: She's good at giving me puppy dog eyes, which is funny because she doesn't NEED to give me pitiful looks for me to do something. But I do need to know what the thing is to do, which isn't always obvious to me, as I'm slow. (17:20:06)
Ghost_of_Leen: But I asked in very plain terms. (17:20:25)
Ghost_of_Leen: >.> (17:20:29)
Ghost of Sam: When I wasn't looking. (17:20:37)
LaZorra: Sam: If you're slow, I'm a vegetable. (17:20:41)
Ghost_of_Leen: lol (17:20:47)
Ghost of Sam: I'll bring home some LaZorra sprouts, too. They might taste good over the mashed potatoes. (17:21:06)
Ghost_of_Leen: woot! (17:21:34)
Ghost of Sam: Oooo, no. LaZorra on the cob! (17:21:39)
LaZorra: NO NOT MY SPROUTS (17:21:42)
wintermute: I always thought of LaZorra as more of an eggplant. (17:22:13)
Ghost of Sam: She can't be an eggplant. Because then she'd be gross. And I hope you're not trying to tell me LaZorra is gross. (17:22:37)
: Of course not! (17:22:47)
Maryam: No, she's definitely fried zucchini. (17:22:51)
Ghost_of_Leen: It's getting very dark and creepy, which means it will downpour just as Sam is coming home again. (17:22:55)
wintermute: Eggplants are less gross than sprouts. (17:22:58)
Ghost of Sam: Mmmmm, fried LaZorchini. (17:23:09)
Ghost of Sam: LaZorriflower. (17:24:27)

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