Thursday, January 14, 2016

Anthony Doesn't Sleep

(This was written up by my sister several years ago. Anthony is her first child, and was 2 1/2 years old at the time. I have her permission to repost here.)

You know, having a bad night because of your kid is WAAAAY different if they're sick. It's not their fault. But last night....oh man, Anthony had NO EXCUSE.

To start, yesterday sucked. Anthony was a monster all day.

5:00pm- Cue momma's migraine. :(
6:00- Daddy gets home. Some relief!
9:00- Anthony's bed time. Gets changed, daddy reads books. Sets up baby gate. Lightning storm starts.
10:00- Anthony still awake. Normal
11:00- Anthony starts freaking out about the thunder which is loud now.
11:30- We take Anthony out of his room to cuddle while we finish watching tv
12:00- decide we'll take him to be with us so we can all get some sleep.
12:30 Anthony's still not asleep. Storm is over.
12:45- time for Anthony to go to HIS room because he's not going to sleep in our bed.
1:00- Anthony pushes baby gate down and comes back in our room
1:02- Daddy takes him back to his room. Breaks baby gate
1:12- Anthony walks back because baby gate is broken.
1:14- Momma takes him back and fixes baby gate.
1:35 Anthony pushes baby gate down again. comes in our room.
1:36- I let him stay. He’s GOT to be exhausted. He'll fall asleep, right?
1:48-WRONG. Still squirming around on the bed and/or messing with stuff in my room.
1:49- I take Anthony back to his room. "I love you. Good night." I lock the door. How else am I supposed to keep him in his room??
1:50- Cue hysterical crying from Anthony. "Hello? Momma? Hellooo?" :(
1:51- By the way, I still have a migraine.
1:55- I take my blanket, unlock his door, and go lay down on his tiny, 100-lbs-max toddler bed so he'll fall asleep.
2:00- Ok, I think he's asleep. slooooowly get out of his bed. Gah! He's awake! I tell him I'll just sit by the door for a while.
2:06- Carefully open his door, sneak out, lock the door, close it. walk down the hall. DANG IT, he's awake!
2:07- Cue hysterical crying AGAIN because of, course, we abandoned him.
2:15- Anthony shows up in my room. YES, he learned how to unlock his door. JOY. Maybe I'll just leave him alone and he'll fall asleep somewhere...
2:30- I wake up to crinkling. Anthony found a bag of gumballs and was trying to open it! Gah! Alright, no more wandering. Plus, I remember he knows how to open the front door. Wouldn’t THAT be fun?!
2:31- Take him BACK to his room. Hmmm, how to keep him in his room without making him think we abandoned him…
2:34- Crazy Momma pushes love seat from living room to in front of Anthony's door. YES! Success!
2:35- Good night.
2:50- Guess who climbed OVER the couch and is back in my room?!
2:51- BACK to his room (this is about the EIGHTH time, we’re putting him to bed AND I still have a migraine!) This is getting ridiculous. What to do, what to do….
2:52- Insane, sleep-deprived, migraine Momma takes baby gate and suspends it in the door frame above the couch. Brilliant!
2:53- Cue Anthony crying again when he realizes he can’t get out. I laugh.
3:00- Momma falls asleep. Anthony does too at some point only to wake up again at 7am.

How was YOUR night? :)

Hiking With Dogs

(Conversation on Facebook this morning. Note: We live in different time zones so it's much earlier for her than me.)

Me: I'm a cat person, but I sometimes think having a dog would be nice.
Mom: [landlord's dogs]?
Me: They are smelly lol
They are good dogs.
I wonder if [landlord] would let me take them hiking, but then what if something happened to them? Or, less tragically, what if they peed in my car? lol

 Oh . . . Alan Rickman passed. :(
(Why are you awake?)
Mom: Who is Alan Rickman.
I am awake because it's morning time.
Me: ... Who is Alan Rickman? Snape, mom. Colonel Brandon. Mr. Marsten. Hans Gruber. Dr. Lazarus. "By Grabthar's Hammer" The Sheriff of Nottingham.
Mom: Oh. I'm sorry. So he doesn't like dogs? It's brain is still fuzz
Me: LOL :P
Mom: OHHHH Alan Rickman passed, as in he died? I was reading as if he passed you while you were hiking with dogs! Lol ha ha ha
Me: HAHAHAHA MOM Wow you need to wake up hahaha
Mom: Imagine me up in the office on the couch laughing hysterically by myself literally out loud!
Me: No, that would be a MUCH better start to my day, if I were running into Alan Rickman while hiking with dogs.
Imagine me trying to get ready for work, laughing through tears literally out loud hahahaha
Mom: Oh my. Breathe. Well, get a move on now. Have a good started with a smile. . .
Me: Thanks mom :) You have a good day too.