Friday, August 14, 2009

Human Interaction

Goosey: Yeah, I'm working late, working on stupid work, and I needed a few minutes of human interation. (02:34:15)
* Gahalyn interacts with Goosey in a human sort of fashion. (02:34:40)
Goosey: 8-. (02:34:47)
Kysle: LOL (02:34:56)
Gahalyn: UM I MEAN (02:35:11)
Goosey: LOL LOL (02:35:18)

Chocolate Hitler

wintermute: The only person who doesn't like chocolate is Hitler. (12:46:26)
NessaChan: hehe (12:46:28)
Dinare: And me (12:46:43)
Ghost of Sam: I got Coldstone ice cream yesterday. Chocolate ice cream with like five brownies mashed into it and a deluge of chocolate syrup. (12:47:02)
wintermute: COLDSTONE! (12:47:16)
Maryam: Mmmm, Coldstone. (12:47:29)
Ghost of Sam: I still have most of it in the freezer. (12:47:30)
wintermute: I have birthday in... 5 days. I should totally talk Amy into getting me a Coldstone cake. (12:47:38)
wintermute: Dinare: Therefore, by the transitive pronciple, you are Hitler! (12:48:03)
wintermute: *principle (12:48:09)
Dinare: Actually, I don't like chocolate so much as I'm allergic to buts. (12:48:35)
Dinare: nuts* (12:48:39)
* LaZorra is allergic to ands. (12:49:02)
LaZorra: We have to be very careful with conjunctions around my house. (12:49:17)
wintermute: Dinare: So, chocolate without butts is fine, right? (12:49:50)
Ghost of Sam: No, transitivity is if A -> B and B -> C, then A -> C. In the absence of communcativity, we must rather say that Hitler and Dinare are equivalent only if Hitler doesn't like chocolate and chocolate doesn't like Dinare. (12:49:52)
Sam has entered. (12:50:27)
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Chocolate Without Butts' by Sam. (12:50:32)
Sam has left. (12:50:34)
wintermute: Well, it's axiomatic that Hitler doesn't like chocolate, and that Hitler is the only person who doesn't like chocolate. (12:51:56)
NessaChan: Maybe Hitler just doesn't like butts (12:57:04)
wintermute: Oh, yeah. I need to go to the shops. (12:59:47)
wintermute is away. (12:59:52)
iwpg has entered. (13:07:54)
iwpg: Greetings. (13:08:00)
Dinare: Hello (13:08:30)
niekie has entered. (13:30:37)
* NessaChan yawns (13:30:47)
wintermute is back. (13:31:02)
Randy has entered. (13:31:51)
Randy: heys! (13:31:56)
niekie: Randy! (13:32:09)
Dinare: Hey iwpg, niekie, and randy. (13:32:16)
Dinare: lol, I'm tired (13:32:38)
: My friend also doesn't like chocolate. gives her headaches. And she's not Hitler. (13:33:35)
wintermute: Randy: Hitler is a master of disguise. (13:35:11)
Randy: LOL (13:36:00)
Randy: Well...he may have been at one time. (13:38:34)
Randy: Gotta get back to works (13:57:17)
Randy has left. (13:57:19)
Ghost of Sam: Transformers are also masters of disguise. (13:57:38)
iwpg: Anyone who doesn't like chocolate is a transformer? =-o (13:58:24)
iwpg: Or maybe anyone who doesn't like transformers is a chocolate! (13:59:27)
wintermute: Or Hitler is an alien robot... (14:01:53)
NessaChan: robot hitler?!?! (14:09:28)
NessaChan: aiyeeee (14:09:30)
* NessaChan calls conspiracy theory radio (14:09:49)
Rafael has entered. (14:10:28)
Rafael: Hello (14:12:04)
NessaChan: hi (14:12:11)
Rafael: So if Hitler is an alien robot, is there any chance of him making a comeback? (14:13:28)
NessaChan: I heard he was sent to a distant planet (14:15:25)
NessaChan: where T-rexes eat elephants (14:15:43)
Rafael: Oh, THAT planet. (14:16:20)
Rafael: Nevermind then. There's no coming back from that one. (14:16:38)