Monday, August 31, 2009


Maryam: Whoever set the topic misspelled "piranha".
Goosey: Oops.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Piranhas tickle!' by Goosey.
Goosey: I knew the h went in there somewhere.
Maryam: Aw, heh.
ThePhan: Phihrihahnahs tickle a LOT.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


LaZorra: Happy Phans are from Huntington.
wintermute: But do they make happy cheese?
ThePhan: If I made cheese at all, it would be happy. I guess.
wintermute: You've never been tempted to become a cheesemaker? Or at least a cheesemonger?
wintermute: After all, blessed are the cheesemakers...
ThePhan: Not in the least.


Goosey has entered.
Goosey: HI
wintermute: GOOOOOOOOOSEY!
wintermute: You slept in aaaaahhhh? And did you wash it off when you woke up?

Friday, August 28, 2009

Sandwich Dreams

* TalkingDog is tired.
Randy: aww
i8246i: Ah, sleep time?
* TalkingDog also has a song about hoagies stuck in his head.
TalkingDog: Don't think so. The song wouldn't let me.
i8246i: Can't sleep, hoagies will eat me
* TalkingDog is king of all sandwiches. He fears them not, for they know their place.

TalkingDog Twice

TalkingDog has left.
TalkingDog has entered.
TalkingDog has entered.
Goosey: Neat trick.
ThePhan: Now there are two of him!
Goosey: More TD to HUG!
* TalkingDog and TalkingDog pretend to be standing in front of a mirror.
Goosey: LOL
ThePhan: LOL

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

LaZorra Sprouts

Ghost of Sam: She's good at giving me puppy dog eyes, which is funny because she doesn't NEED to give me pitiful looks for me to do something. But I do need to know what the thing is to do, which isn't always obvious to me, as I'm slow. (17:20:06)
Ghost_of_Leen: But I asked in very plain terms. (17:20:25)
Ghost_of_Leen: >.> (17:20:29)
Ghost of Sam: When I wasn't looking. (17:20:37)
LaZorra: Sam: If you're slow, I'm a vegetable. (17:20:41)
Ghost_of_Leen: lol (17:20:47)
Ghost of Sam: I'll bring home some LaZorra sprouts, too. They might taste good over the mashed potatoes. (17:21:06)
Ghost_of_Leen: woot! (17:21:34)
Ghost of Sam: Oooo, no. LaZorra on the cob! (17:21:39)
LaZorra: NO NOT MY SPROUTS (17:21:42)
wintermute: I always thought of LaZorra as more of an eggplant. (17:22:13)
Ghost of Sam: She can't be an eggplant. Because then she'd be gross. And I hope you're not trying to tell me LaZorra is gross. (17:22:37)
: Of course not! (17:22:47)
Maryam: No, she's definitely fried zucchini. (17:22:51)
Ghost_of_Leen: It's getting very dark and creepy, which means it will downpour just as Sam is coming home again. (17:22:55)
wintermute: Eggplants are less gross than sprouts. (17:22:58)
Ghost of Sam: Mmmmm, fried LaZorchini. (17:23:09)
Ghost of Sam: LaZorriflower. (17:24:27)

How to Talk to Men

* Ghost_of_Leen gives Sam a pitiful look. (17:16:16)
Ghost of Sam: Leen: *whimper* (17:16:54)
Ghost_of_Leen: :( (17:16:59)
Ghost_of_Leen: Fine nevermind. (17:17:05)
Ghost of Sam: Leen: I can come home in about 15 minutes. (17:17:29)
Ghost_of_Leen: Ok... that does not answer my question though. (17:17:46)
Ghost of Sam: What's your question? (17:17:52)
Ghost_of_Leen: lol (17:17:57)
* Ghost_of_Leen points about a page up. (17:18:08)
Ghost of Sam: You're gonna make me scroll back in this tiny little xterm? Oh, okay... (17:18:26)
Ghost_of_Leen: LOL (17:18:32)
LaZorra: SAM GET LEEN STARBUCKS (17:18:34)
LaZorra: NOW (17:18:37)
Ghost_of_Leen: LOL (17:18:39)
Ghost of Sam: OKAY (17:18:45)
LaZorra: See, you just have to know how to talk to men. (17:18:59)

Lightly Scented

Maryam: Why do things claim to be "lightly scented" when in fact they have a near-overpowering scent instead?
* Maryam just tried a new body wash in the shower. NOT lightly scented.
wintermute: Because the people who are in charge of adding the scent are anosmic?
Goosey: Maryam: What scent?
Maryam: Supposedly lavender, but it smelled more like baby powder.
Ghost of Sam: Maryam: Just spitballing here, but I bet the words 'lightly scented' sell better than 'strongly scented,' because people don't want to be overpowered, but then when they smell things in the store, they buy the things that smell strong. Combine the two, and INSTANT SALES!
Goosey: Ugh, yeah. fake lavendar is not nice.
wintermute: Sam: Sounds sensible.
Ghost of Sam: It's gotta be lightly scented when you smell it through the plastic container.
Maryam: I didn't try smelling it at the store. Perhaps that was my mistake.
Maryam: Although it didn't really start to give off the scent until I was lathering it up.
* Goosey tries to imagine a body wash labeled with, "STRONGLY SCENTED, FOR YOUR FEMININITY" and cracks up.
Goosey: Maryam: Yeah, I always sniff stuff at the store.
Ghost of Sam: STRONGLY LAVENDER-SCENTED FOR A MAN...but ph-balanced for a woman.
* LaZorra should totally market that.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pirate Spiders

Sentynel: Hehehe, there's such a thing as a Pirate Spider.
Sentynel: It eats other spiders.
wintermute: Does it wear seven eye patches?
TalkingDog: And has three wooden legs.
Sentynel: Apparently they con other spiders into believing they've caught an insect by tweaking their webs, and then eat the spider when it comes to investigate.
Sentynel: Wikipedia was unenlightening about the presence of eye patches, wooden legs, or parrot spiders.
Goosey: TD: You rule.
* TalkingDog randomly pictures some sort of pirate fractal with parrots on both shoulders that have parrots on *their* shoulders, etc.
Goosey: "Pirate Fractal" would be a great name for a band.
Sentynel: Naturally, there is also a ninja spider, but nobody has ever managed to capture a specimen.

Bunny Webs

(This is in response to a conversation about spiders.)

TalkingDog: It'd be so much better if bunnies creeped in at night.
TalkingDog: They'd catch chocolate and candy in their fuzzy webs.

Leen and Celine on Caffeine

Ghost_of_Leen: The lady at Starbucks handed me 3 treat receipts, because for some reason the people before me did not want theirs.
Ghost_of_Leen: She just couldn't understand!
Ghost_of_Leen: So yeah, I can get 3 more today. -.-
Ghost_of_Leen: At only $2 for a grande!
Ghost_of_Leen: Someone would have to peel me off the ceiling.
Goosey: LOL
Ghost_of_Leen: o.0
* LaZorra peels Leen off the celine.
Ghost_of_Leen: Oh my.
LaZorra: Um.
Goosey: O.O
* LaZorra dies laughing.
Ghost_of_Leen: Was that a serious typo?
Ghost_of_Leen: OH MY
* TalkingDog whistles the Titanic theme...
Ghost_of_Leen: EW
Goosey: Okay, that somehow sounds worse than I thought ...
* LaZorra cracks up even more.

Monday, August 24, 2009


* Kysle has bacon.
TalkingDog: BACON
Kysle: Would you believe my suitemates refused when I offered?
Kysle: Can't they see I'm extending the bacon branch?
TalkingDog: Mmmm. Bacon tree.
* TalkingDog plants bacon bits.
Kysle: Hee.
Sentynel: Watch it, TD - I don't think it's a bacon tree, it's a hambush!
Goosey: TD: DO you water a bacon tree? Or grease it?
Goosey: LOL
Sentynel: Watch it, TD - I don't think it's a bacon tree, it's a hambush!
Kysle: *groan*

Japanese Space Drummers

Randy has entered.
wintermute: Randies!
Randy: Where?
wintermute: Behind the TV.
* Randy gets them!
Kysle: Randies! sound like a candy
wintermute: Well, they are sweet.
wintermute: And covered in cinnamon.
Kysle: *blink*
Randy: with a hint of cocoanut
wintermute: Coconaunts go to space in a coconut.
Randy: Right!
Kysle: They're not chocolate eating astronauts?
Randy: That's just silly
wintermute: That would imply there are astronauts (or cosmonauts or taikonauts) that don't eat chocolate.
Randy: What's a taikonaut?
Kysle: It's not my fault people don't know the proper term and call 'em astronauts instead of coconauts
wintermute: A Chinese astronaut.
Randy: huh
wintermute: Wikipedia tells me it's not as official a term as I'd thought.
Sentynel: I read it as "Japanese space drummer", which is somewhat more awesome than the real translation (taiko being drum in japanese)
wintermute: That would be awesome, yes.
Randy: I want that on my resume.
Randy: Except I'm not Japanes and I can't drum
* TalkingDog imagines that would sound awfully quiet.
wintermute: TD: Well, if you're actually drumming in a vacuum you probably have more immediate concerns.
Kysle: Can't you wear a space suit and drum at the same time?
Sentynel: You could even drum in space inside a spaceship.
wintermute: Kysle: you'd have a job holding the drumsticks.
Kysle: Glue?
Kysle: Come on, if you can get into space, I'm sure you can find a way to hold drumsticks.
wintermute: I think you need a certain degree of fine control to drum, which spacesuits aren't really designed for.
Sentynel: You need a degree of fine control to drum well.
TalkingDog: That's why they're Japanese space drummers. Them crazy Japanese people would come up with something that works.
Randy: hehe
Randy: Maybe they would just make a giant space robot drummer
wintermute: Bah. They can't even make a crazy radioactive monster that won't destroy Tokyo.
Randy: Good point

Weird Searches

Goosey: This one is inexplicable to me: "glass went in my foot and its bleeding like crazy and i feel like fainting"
LaZorra: O.o
Goosey: You stepped on glass, you are bleeding, and you feel dizzy, so you thought you would GOOGLE the problem???
LaZorra: I like how the fault there clearly lies with the glass.
Goosey: Heheh.
Sentynel: Goosey: Clearly Wikipedia would be the more efficient solution.
Nyperold: *rimshot*
Goosey: "gloomy bear damage" belongs on TitleBot
LaZorra: "translate jove to english" -- New King James Version is handy for that.
Sentynel: "Gloomy Bear Damage" would make an awesome name for a death metal band.
Nyperold: Or a really strange RPG element.
Nyperold: "You take 34 points of Gloomy Bear damage!"

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tubbles and Chubbles

NessaChan: Tubbles the stray cat is here (22:52:54)
NessaChan: usually he runs when he sees me (22:53:00)
NessaChan: but tonight we made eye contact and he didn't run away (22:53:09)
Kysle: Tubbles? Seriously? (22:53:09)
NessaChan: Yes, Tubbles (22:53:19)
Kysle: Oh, he's a stray. (22:53:22)
NessaChan: The other stray cat is Chubbles (22:53:25)
i8246i: Perhaps he's getting used to you? (22:53:27)
NessaChan: I hope so (22:53:31)
Kysle: Would you name a cat you owned that? (22:53:32)
NessaChan: I dunno, my boyfriend named them (22:53:42)
i8246i: I would. Its not like a cat listens to anything that it doesn't like anyway (22:53:57)
NessaChan: if they moved in, I'd probably call them something else (22:53:58)
NessaChan: though Chubbles looks like a Chubbles. (22:54:37)
NessaChan: Tubbles isn't very Tubby though (22:54:43)

Back to the Server

Sentynel: My university's library has over 8 million books. Somewhere, there has *got* to be one by time travellers.
Goosey: :-D
Sentynel has left.
Goosey: Um, bye?
Sentynel has entered.
Sentynel: Er.
Sentynel: What I thought I said was, "And if not, then I am going to invent time travel and put one there."
Sentynel: Apparently, what I actually said was, "Please disconnect me from the server."
Sam: TCP/IP doesn't support time travel.
Sam: Which makes sense, since it's based heavily on timestamps.
Sam: You should have thought of that.
Sentynel: A disappointingly short-sighted decision on the part of the standards authority.
Sentynel: When someone invents a timetravelling server to eliminate lag and download times once and for all, they're going to have to rewrite the whole thing.

Sneaky Dreams

Sentynel: I remember parts of two. One involved trying to cross America and then the Atlantic in a powerboat (yes, America. Apparently there are water-filled tunnels underneath the entire country.)
Sentynel: Naturally, we were being chased by other people in powerboats.
Goosey: Oh, naturally.
Sentynel: The other was a rather well-done horror story, exploring a cave system with something apparently malevolent but never actually encountered contained within.
Sentynel: I suspect my subconscious is wising up to the fact that if it makes something *obviously* a nightmare, I wake myself up or change the dream. Sneaky git.
Goosey: LOL

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Clipboard Snafu

Revan: Hehe. We're more similar than I first thought. I like the 360 controller so I use that for both console gaming and, since the wired ones connect to the 360 by USB, I also use it on my PC for some games that support it. (02:05:17)
Revan: But for FPSes, nothing can beat the mouse's precision if you're good at sweeping. (02:05:40)
Revan: For example, check out the speed at which this headshot is done. The cursor is halfway across the screen by the time the shot even registers on-screen. Oh, I just gotta know If you're really there And you really care 'Cause baby I'm not F-f-f-foolin', ah f-f-foolin' (02:06:57)
Revan: Hm. (02:07:05)
Revan: It would seem that someone has copied Def Leppard lyrics to my clipboard. (02:07:14)
Revan: LOL (02:07:17)
Revan: And the direct photobucket link did not work. (02:07:25)
Goosey: LOL LOL (02:07:36)
ThePhan: LOL (02:07:43)

Tourist Season is OPN!

Revan: I just think if a government has an eye in the sky for such long periods of time, they've got to get bored with just spying on the turrists. (01:40:08)
Goosey: SPY ON THE TOURIST!! (01:43:54)
ThePhan: Tourists do funny things. It's fun to spy on them. (01:44:42)
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'SPY OPN THE TOURIST' by Gahalyn. (01:44:44)
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'OPN' by Gahalyn. (01:44:49)
Revan: LOL (01:44:55)
* Gahalyn falls over. (01:44:57)
ThePhan: Spy them open? (01:45:41)
Goosey: LOL (01:45:43)
ThePhan: 85% of tourist injuries are caused by being spied open! (01:45:59)

Hey, Screaming Roadie Chicks, Get Offa My Cloud

Revan: Shut up, crazy screaming roadie chicks. I know the Stones were awesome in their day, but I'm trying to listen to their live album. (01:00:48)
Revan: It sounds like a harem is being slaughtered during the entire song. (01:01:48)

Geese, mon. Geese.

Kysle: It's OK Goosey, the snakes are tame. (22:52:09)
Goosey: I know. I tamed them. (22:52:23)
Kysle: Oh, you know what I'm thinking of? Mongooses eating snakes. (22:52:39)
Kysle: I dunno why I was thinking snakes eat geese. (22:53:03)
ThePhan: LOL (22:53:23)

It Ain't Easy Bein' Green

* TalkingDog seems to have dreamt of Kermit and Lou Ferrigno. (05:07:10)
Nyperold: That makes sense. (05:08:26)
Nyperold: If you understand the connection. ;-) (05:08:52)
Nyperold: (Besides both being green for much of their TV career.) (05:09:52)
Nyperold: *careers (05:10:02)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Men and Women

Sam: It doesn't count if you have to be told. (22:07:21)
Goosey: Oh fine. (22:07:30)
Sam: And that's a direct quote from the book of women. (22:07:33)
Sam: Not so nice having it quoted back to you, is it? (22:07:43)
Randy: LOL LOL (22:07:47)
Goosey: That's why I was telling you. You are not a woman. (22:08:03)
Kysle: Except by taking the book of women, you gave them the book of men. (22:08:04)
Kysle: "Book of Men: ..." (22:08:19)
Sam: Kys: Women know everything in the book of men already. (22:08:23)
Sam: But they didn't expect me to know anything in THEIR book. Har. (22:08:36)
* ThePhan knows nothing. All earthlings are strange and mysterious to her. (22:08:56)
Randy: The book of women is constantly being re-written and it's in Klingon anyways (22:09:09)


ThePhan has entered. (21:32:31)
Goosey has entered. (21:32:54)
Randy: TheGoosey! (21:33:47)
Randy: mute's (21:34:11)
Goosey: Randy: That's better than "GooPhanny" which sounds like an uncomfortable situation. (21:34:16)
Randy: LOL eww (21:34:29)
Kysle: Phannygoo doesn't sound any better. (21:34:32)
Revan: I was going to go for GoosePhan. (21:34:46)
ThePhan: Thank you for not saying "GooPhanny." (21:34:54)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Human Interaction

Goosey: Yeah, I'm working late, working on stupid work, and I needed a few minutes of human interation. (02:34:15)
* Gahalyn interacts with Goosey in a human sort of fashion. (02:34:40)
Goosey: 8-. (02:34:47)
Kysle: LOL (02:34:56)
Gahalyn: UM I MEAN (02:35:11)
Goosey: LOL LOL (02:35:18)

Chocolate Hitler

wintermute: The only person who doesn't like chocolate is Hitler. (12:46:26)
NessaChan: hehe (12:46:28)
Dinare: And me (12:46:43)
Ghost of Sam: I got Coldstone ice cream yesterday. Chocolate ice cream with like five brownies mashed into it and a deluge of chocolate syrup. (12:47:02)
wintermute: COLDSTONE! (12:47:16)
Maryam: Mmmm, Coldstone. (12:47:29)
Ghost of Sam: I still have most of it in the freezer. (12:47:30)
wintermute: I have birthday in... 5 days. I should totally talk Amy into getting me a Coldstone cake. (12:47:38)
wintermute: Dinare: Therefore, by the transitive pronciple, you are Hitler! (12:48:03)
wintermute: *principle (12:48:09)
Dinare: Actually, I don't like chocolate so much as I'm allergic to buts. (12:48:35)
Dinare: nuts* (12:48:39)
* LaZorra is allergic to ands. (12:49:02)
LaZorra: We have to be very careful with conjunctions around my house. (12:49:17)
wintermute: Dinare: So, chocolate without butts is fine, right? (12:49:50)
Ghost of Sam: No, transitivity is if A -> B and B -> C, then A -> C. In the absence of communcativity, we must rather say that Hitler and Dinare are equivalent only if Hitler doesn't like chocolate and chocolate doesn't like Dinare. (12:49:52)
Sam has entered. (12:50:27)
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Chocolate Without Butts' by Sam. (12:50:32)
Sam has left. (12:50:34)
wintermute: Well, it's axiomatic that Hitler doesn't like chocolate, and that Hitler is the only person who doesn't like chocolate. (12:51:56)
NessaChan: Maybe Hitler just doesn't like butts (12:57:04)
wintermute: Oh, yeah. I need to go to the shops. (12:59:47)
wintermute is away. (12:59:52)
iwpg has entered. (13:07:54)
iwpg: Greetings. (13:08:00)
Dinare: Hello (13:08:30)
niekie has entered. (13:30:37)
* NessaChan yawns (13:30:47)
wintermute is back. (13:31:02)
Randy has entered. (13:31:51)
Randy: heys! (13:31:56)
niekie: Randy! (13:32:09)
Dinare: Hey iwpg, niekie, and randy. (13:32:16)
Dinare: lol, I'm tired (13:32:38)
: My friend also doesn't like chocolate. gives her headaches. And she's not Hitler. (13:33:35)
wintermute: Randy: Hitler is a master of disguise. (13:35:11)
Randy: LOL (13:36:00)
Randy: Well...he may have been at one time. (13:38:34)
Randy: Gotta get back to works (13:57:17)
Randy has left. (13:57:19)
Ghost of Sam: Transformers are also masters of disguise. (13:57:38)
iwpg: Anyone who doesn't like chocolate is a transformer? =-o (13:58:24)
iwpg: Or maybe anyone who doesn't like transformers is a chocolate! (13:59:27)
wintermute: Or Hitler is an alien robot... (14:01:53)
NessaChan: robot hitler?!?! (14:09:28)
NessaChan: aiyeeee (14:09:30)
* NessaChan calls conspiracy theory radio (14:09:49)
Rafael has entered. (14:10:28)
Rafael: Hello (14:12:04)
NessaChan: hi (14:12:11)
Rafael: So if Hitler is an alien robot, is there any chance of him making a comeback? (14:13:28)
NessaChan: I heard he was sent to a distant planet (14:15:25)
NessaChan: where T-rexes eat elephants (14:15:43)
Rafael: Oh, THAT planet. (14:16:20)
Rafael: Nevermind then. There's no coming back from that one. (14:16:38)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sometimes I am so insensitive.

Randy: Les Paul died :-( (13:24:57)
Goosey: LUNCH (13:30:15)
Goosey is away. (13:30:16)
wintermute: Goosey: I'm not sure that's the correct response... (13:34:24)
Rafael: Lol (13:34:44)
Randy: hehe (13:34:56)
Goosey is back. (13:36:14)
Goosey: Oh, oops, haha. (13:36:17)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Going to the Store for Leen

Ghost_of_Leen: I so need to do dishes -.- (16:48:35)
Ghost_of_Leen: I need a new head. (16:49:28)
Ghost_of_Leen: Maybe Sam can pick me up one of those at the store... (16:50:07)
LaZorra: Ooh, you have much nicer stores back east than we do out here. (16:50:56)
Ghost_of_Leen: LOL (16:51:15)
Ghost of Sam: I'm picking you up some balloon clothes. (16:56:17)
Ghost of Sam: You can sit down in those clothes. It's just that sitting down has the side effect of transforming your evening gown into a hospital gown. (16:57:13)

Meatloaf Muffin to DOG! and a Great Mess Inbetween!

Ghost_of_Leen: I don't think I can wait until dinner to have my meatloaf muffin. (12:48:54)
Ghost of Sam: Eat it! (12:49:03)
Goosey: Meatloaf ... muffin? That's like a GIANT MEATBALL (12:49:13)
Ghost_of_Leen: hehe (12:49:15)
Ghost of Sam: Pretty much, actualyl. (12:49:21)
iwpg has entered. (12:49:25)
Rafael: Meatloaf muffin? I didn't know that meatloaf came in muffin-size. (12:49:27)
Goosey: That is AWESOME (12:49:30)
iwpg: Greetings. (12:49:34)
Ghost_of_Leen: It's serving size meatloaf. (12:49:38)
Goosey: Meatloaf comes in whatever size you make it in, hon. (12:49:42)
Ghost_of_Leen: I use the huge muffin tins though. (12:50:02)
Rafael: Goosey: But then it's not exactly a loaf. (12:50:21)
Goosey: Meatbun then? (12:50:31)
Ghost_of_Leen: I lost my loaf pan. (12:50:50)
Ghost_of_Leen: ... (12:51:09)
* LaZorra imagines a muffin with bits of meatloaf in it instead of, say, raisins. (12:51:09)
Ghost_of_Leen: NASTY (12:51:19)
TalkingDog: It's made of ducts. (12:51:22)
Goosey: EW (12:51:28)
Goosey: Sam: HULAHOOP (12:51:38)
wintermute: Saml It is the way I make it. (12:52:17)
Rafael: What a rip-off. If I buy duck sauce, I want it to contain actual duck. (12:52:18)
Ghost of Sam: I bought a Huluhoop the other day. Here's where I make a funny Hulu/hulahoop crossover joke. (12:52:40)
wintermute: Raf: And where do you stand on baby food? (12:52:54)
Goosey: =-O (12:53:04)
Rafael: ... (12:53:04)
Ghost_of_Leen: hamburg, bread crumbs, milk, eggs, onion soup mix.... mixed together and topped with brown sugar/ketchup mixture. split into 6 and put in muffin tins. EASY! (12:53:06)
Ghost of Sam: wim: In the tub. Makes less of a mess that way. (12:53:07)
Rafael: Somewhere (12:53:22)
Goosey: LOL (12:53:22)
Ghost of Sam: Ghost of Sam. Bad jokes made to order while you wait. (12:53:58)
* Ghost_of_Leen is so confused. (12:53:58)
Rafael: It's okay Leen. I'm always confused at parties. (12:54:26)
Goosey: Leen: About this bit of madness in particular? Or all of them together? (12:54:26)
* LaZorra comes back to the buffer and can't figure out what's going on. (12:54:58)
Goosey: That means it's a good day in Chat! (12:55:08)
Rafael: Lol (12:55:10)
Ghost of Sam: Leen: See, wintermute make a joke about baby food possibly being made out of babies, but the way he phrased it, it's like somebody was actually standing on the baby food, so I stand I stand on the baby food in the tub, where the food wouldn't make a mess, and I could clean my shoes off before tracking it all over the house. You gotta keep up in here. Each punchline doubles as a setup to the next one. The bad joke party just don't stop. (12:55:27)
Rafael: Yay! Good weather, nice bike ride, seeing friends, and a good day in chat. It IS going to be a good day today. (12:55:48)
TalkingDog: LZ: It's the bottom of the 8th, two tarantulas in the penalty box, and the umpire's rook is spearing the grizzly bear's ace of clubs. (12:55:54)
Ghost_of_Leen: LOL (12:55:55)
Rafael: Lol (12:56:07)
Goosey: Me randomly saying hulahoop actually wasn't that random, either, but nobody asked me about the joke behind it, so I just let it slide. (12:56:15)
Goosey: TD: LOL LOL (12:56:26)
Dinare has entered. (12:56:34)
wintermute: Goosey: Why did you pseudorandomly say "HULAHOOP"? (12:56:38)
Dinare has entered. (12:56:34)
Dinare: Hi all (12:56:41)
Rafael: Dinare: Run while you can. It's confusing today. (12:56:55)
Lynette: Rule 6 Rule 6!!! (12:56:56)
Dinare: I bet it's more fun than a car crash, or weeding. (12:57:24)
TalkingDog: Hey, I was holding the Flag of Absquatulation! (12:57:29)
Ghost of Sam: TD: Oh, okay. (12:57:40)
* TalkingDog throws the Calvinball into the sewer. (12:57:46)
wintermute: TD: But it's reverse opposite day! (12:57:50)
Goosey: My mom was somewhere of 35 years old when she finally realized that a hulahoop is NAMED a "hula" hoop, because it mimicks the hip movement of the hawaiian dance by the same name. (12:57:54)
Ghost of Sam: TD: And nobody's abs squat as well as yours do. I'm doomed. (12:58:10)
Goosey: So now when someone finally realizes something that should have been realized a long time ago, we say HULAHOOP! (12:58:18)
Ghost of Sam: *tries to figure out if he accidentally called TD fat* (12:58:24)
Lynette: I was Rule 6ing Goosey. (12:58:25)
Ghost_of_Leen: Ya know it's a good thing we live in a safe neighborhood. Sam left the kitty TV on alllll night! (12:58:27)
* TalkingDog isn't sure either. (12:58:38)
Rafael: Kitty TV? (12:58:44)
Goosey: LOL (12:58:46)
Ghost of Sam: Yeah, I did. :-/ (12:59:02)
Lynette: Who clearly did know what she was talking about, as she complied. (12:59:12)
Goosey: You're welcome! (12:59:20)
LaZorra: The . . . kitty TV? (12:59:20)
Ghost of Sam: The kitty TV is the sliding door to the deck out back. Our cats like to sit in front of it and watch it. Sometimes it gets cold in the evening, and I have to turn the TV off. (12:59:34)
* Goosey tries to count the threads of conversation and loses count at 3. (12:59:39)
Ghost_of_Leen: They come running out of nowhere when you open it. (13:00:06)
Ghost_of_Leen: And just sit there and stare. (13:00:12)
* Dinare gets confused and figures that doing something else would be better for her brain. (13:00:16)
LaZorra: Sam: If you did, that's a 3-point penalty. WhizGirl's the only one allowed to call people fat. (13:00:30)
Rafael: We've mentioned three animals. Ducks, tarantulas, and kitties. We need one more at least. (13:00:32)
Ghost of Sam: For some reason it's SO much more fun to gaze outside when the sliding door is open, even though it's made of glass and perfectly transparent. Must be because when it's open they get to hear sounds, too. (13:00:42)
Ghost of Sam: DOG! (13:00:50)
Goosey: DOG! (13:00:57)
Rafael: We all just mentioned the number 3 three times! Lol (13:00:59)
TalkingDog: DOG! (13:01:01)
Maryam: DOG! (13:01:09)
Goosey: Raf: LOL (13:01:13)
TalkingDog: Rafael: Don't forget grizzly bears. (13:01:17)
LaZorra: DOG! (13:01:24)
Rafael: Oh yeah. (13:01:31)
Rafael: Oops. We can include dogs anyway. (13:01:41)
Rafael: What breed? (13:01:45)
Lynette: DOG! (13:01:45)
Ghost of Sam: DOG is a human warrior. (13:01:55)
* TalkingDog is a Scottish terrier today. (13:02:05)
Dinare has left. (13:02:07)
Goosey: Hee! (13:02:11)

Sam patronizes my amnesia

Goosey: Um, I totally don't remember just signing into chat. (12:44:45)
Goosey: Oh, wait, yes I do. (12:45:11)
Goosey: What I don't remember is clicking on the room to enter. That part I don't remember. (12:45:29)
Ghost of Sam: To be fair to yourself, it was (millions* of nanoseconds ago. (12:45:34)
Ghost of Sam: ** (12:45:40)
Goosey: I was like, "Done reading my memos -- Oh hey! I'm in chat!" (12:45:43)
Goosey: S-o (12:45:55)

The RinkWorks Lawsuit

Rafael: LOL! These archives are hilarious!
niekie: Rafael: which one are you reading?
Rafael: I'm reading the one called, Lipstick Express to Canada.
Rafael: Poor Sosiqui
Rafael: Wow. This is just plain cruel.
Rafael: But still hilarious!
Ghost of Sam: Raf: LOL LOL. I forgot about that archive completely.
Ghost of Sam: Leen ruled in that one.
Rafael: That whole thing was just perfect.
Rafael: Possibly my favorite one so far.
Rafael: Hey Sam, might I ask why there are no archives between 2004 and 2008?
wintermute: Because RinkWorks was on strike during that period.
Rafael: ???
Ticia: No one was funny then.
Ghost of Sam: The lawsuit didn't help, either.
* Rafael continues his ??? ing.
Rafael: Lawsuit? Strike? No humor?! How horrible can life be?!
wintermute: Yeah, turns out there's a patent on chatroom archives.
Rafael: I'm totally lost. I can't tell who's being serious and who is joking. Or if this whole thing is a joke.
Kysle: Just accept that you'll never know.
Rafael: I hate not knowing stuffs.
ThePhan: I too lie awake at night, tormented by all the stuff I do not know.
Ghost of Sam: There was a January 2004 archive called 'Secrets,' which was a conversation about people's most intimate secrets, such as one Rinkie (by court order, I can't say which) who has a psychological compulsion to French kiss sweet pickle relish, and another who once accidentally broadcast himself dancing to Kung Fu Fighting in his underwear via his webcam, which he thought was turned off.
Ghost of Sam: By posting the archive, 11 Rinkies (ten of whom are sadly no longer regulars here) filed a lawsuit for invasion of privacy.
Kysle: Why sadly?
Ghost of Sam: I loved them all.
wintermute: Sam: Even #8?
Ghost of Sam: Anyway, the case dragged on for four years, during which time there was a temporary injunction against the posting of new archives.
Rafael: That's horrible.
ThePhan: It was a dark, dark time.
Rafael: ThePhan: Good to know I'm not alone.
Ghost of Sam: The one of the 11 that's still around is the Kung Fu Fighting guy.
Ghost of Sam: Kysle: Do you still get down to that song?
Kysle: *aherm*
Kysle has left.
Ghost of Sam: Oh, sorry.
Rafael: ...
Ticia: LOL
ThePhan: I guess he's still a little sensitive.
Rafael: We all do embarrassing stuff.
Rafael: Wait. Was it really Kysle?
Rafael: So eleven rinkies filed for lawsuit, ten left entirely, and one of them is still around as a regular?
Rafael: And you aren't at all upset at this regular for filing a lawsuit?
Ghost of Sam: Right. I only lost three of the lawsuits, though.
Ghost of Sam: The others were fined for frivolous use of the judicial system. Those judgments paid for the ones I owed, so it worked out about evenly.
TalkingDog: That was funny when Athaleon called you a venom-spitting neematoad and had to be dragged out.
* Rafael still can't tell if this is all serious or just a big joke against me.
Ghost of Sam: One of the cases I lost was against WhizKid. He claimed that even though he was not a U.S. citizen and didn't have all the protections offered to citizens, he still suffered extreme and irreparable psychological damage by the posting of the archive, in which I quoted him as saying, under implicit contract of confidentiality, 'I like it when Ticia drools.'
Ticia: Yeah, that was fun, getting that subpoena.
Rafael: I thought WhizKid was a bot program. Like WhizHal or something?
Rafael: How can you lose a lawsuit against a program eh?
Ghost of Sam: Raf: I coded it too well.
Rafael: So this whole lawsuit thing is a joke then?
Rafael: Or just the WhizKid part?
Ghost of Sam: Raf: Yeah, I suppose I can laugh about it now. Pretty harrowing at the time, though.
* Rafael might a'splode.
Ghost of Sam: LOL. Okay, seriously, yeah, all a joke. The real reason there weren't any archives is that I just didn't find the time and energy to post any.
Rafael: ...
Rafael: Now I still can't tell if you are joking or being serious. Even after you said seriously.
Ghost of Sam: Although seemingly only a matter of cutting out a bit of a log file and saving it, I actually did a fair amount of editing to the transcripts. Not to change any content, but to cull out lines unrelated to the conversation, and re-ordering lines so that the flow of conversation is clearer.
Ghost of Sam: So, kind of tedious.
Rafael: Mmm... Now that I'm looking back and reading this, I can't believe I might have fallen for it.
Rafael: There's my embarrassing moment for the day.

Odd Chess Moniker

Sam: ...
Sam: I'm in a Yahoo Chess room right now. I saw someone joined my table and wanted to play, so I hit the 'play' button, and now we're playing. Only then did I notice the username.
Sam: The username is funny_boobs.
Goosey: LOL LOL
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: Um...
ThePhan: As in, they have them?
ThePhan: They think they're funny in general?
Sam: Who knows.
* Goosey eats little homemade onigiri!
wintermute: ORIGAMI!
wintermute: Hrm. "Oni" means "demon" or "spirit"<>Goosey: Onigiri is rice balls.
wintermute: I don't know what "ri" means, but clearly you're eating some kind of Japanese demonic tracksuit...
* Goosey almost chokes on cauliflower.
Sam: funny_boobs is down a pawn.
Sam: I take that back. Two pawns.
Goosey: LOL You're going to give us a play-by-play so you can keep saying "funny_boobs" aren't you?
Sam: I think you figured me out.
wintermute: Sam: You should invade Kamchatka.
10Kan: LOL
10Kan: Sam: Did you ask your opponent about his moniker?
10Kan: Or her moniker, I suppose.
Sam: 10K: I don't dare.
Sam: I just sacrificed a knight to funny_boobs.
Goosey: LOL
* 10Kan pictures Sam pushing an armored knight into a volcano while assembled villagers chant "Funny_boobs! Funny_boobs!"
Sam: I promise this is not leading up to a joke about funny_boobs being mated.
10Kan: Don't boobs come pre-mated?
* Goosey is EATING here, and will have a fatal choking-while-laughing incident!
Ticia has left.
Sam: funny_boobs is launching a frontal assault against my king.
Goosey: LOL LOL
Sam: Bizarrely, a bishop is involved.
Goosey: Aaahh the mental images!!
10Kan: LOL
wintermute: Is he making a twin-pronged attack?
Sam: Actually, yes.
Sam: funny_boobs beat me.
Sam: Dang.
Maryam has entered.
Sam: Good moment to enter.
Maryam: LOL. Hi.
ThePhan: LOL... Yeah. It would have been more entertaining if it was a new person.
Sam: You know you're a regular when you can walk into a conversation like this and not even bat an eyelash.
10Kan: You've been pummeled, crushed beneath the might that is funny_boobs!
Maryam: Now that is a funny mental image.
Sam: I have the fish dress conversation from yesterday in progress, by the way.
ThePhan: Yay! hehe
10Kan: Ooh.
Maryam: You're currently having the same conversation about fish in dresses with someone?
Sam: haha. No, I mean I've pulled most of it out of the logs.
* ThePhan is overly amused by the idea that Sam might have informed funny_boobs that they had a fish in their dress.
Maryam: LOL
Sam: LOL
ThePhan: You should do that sometime if you're losing at chess. Maybe you'll startle them enough that you'll win!
Goosey: LOL
10Kan: Or you could accuse them of not having serious-enough boobs.
wintermute: So, Sam: Do you oppose funny_boobs?
Sam: After the beating, yes.
Sam: Prior to that, I think you could have considered me a supporter of funny_boobs.


Every once in awhile, giant sections of RinkChat are just really, really amusing. We make Sam put these together for us, as he is The Rink, and thus has access to all the chat logs. This and the next three posts are some of the most recent hilarity. Here goes: FISHDRESS!

Goosey has entered.
Randy: But but...NOOOOOOOO
Goosey: see?
Goosey: (7:51:54 PM) Randy: There. I had my fish tank on my computer desk. But its a bit too wobbly (7:52:08 PM) Jeni: Eep. (7:52:13 PM) Randy: So I moved him to my dresse, which is a lot more solid
Randy: It's OBVIOUS I just typoed "dresser"
Randy: Trying to ruin my reputation
Goosey: Whatever, Thisbe.
Randy: That was just for a play!
* Randy has an excuse for everything
Goosey: I bet you kept it!
Randy: Well I wanted to, but it was the directors wife's
Goosey: =-O
Goosey: LOL LOL
Kysle: Randy has fish.... in his skirt?
Goosey: Kysle: That's what I said.
wintermute: Are they carp? Pike? Trout?
wintermute: Enquiring minds want to know!
Kysle: I bet Alaskan King.
Randy: It's one fish! A Betta!
Kysle: Salmon, that is.
wintermute: A salmon became King of Alaska?
wintermute: How does it collect taxes?
Kysle: Better than a tuna.
Kysle: Royal tuna would be bad.
Goosey: Sam, do YOU have fish in your dress?
Sam: Sure. I'm up on the latest fashions.
Kysle: How do you keep them from stinking?
Randy: deodorant
Goosey: Sugar and lemon juice will keep your dress fish from stinking. Everybody knows that.
ThePhan: What if Randy shares his dress with Captain Kirk?
Goosey: Then he can come visit me at warp speed!
Sam: TP: Why would he do that? Just for the halibut?
Goosey: Sam: LOL
Nyperold: A salmon would collect taxes with little wasted time, effort, or other resources.
wintermute: According to ST:TNG, that is how LaForge's aunt trained her cat to sit in her lap.
LaZorra is back.
* Goosey HUGS LaZorra!
* Sam HUGS LaZorra and offers her a present: a low-cut mackerel gown with trout lace trimmings and a flounder brocade.
Maryam: msg nessachan Now that's crappy.
Maryam: Oops.
Goosey: LOL LOL
NessaChan: hehe
Sam: You can talk about my jokes to my face, you know.
Maryam: LOL
Goosey: Sam: Maryam doesn't like the fish dress you made!
NessaChan: That's a betta present than anything I ever got, LaZorra.
TalkingDog: It would look better on Captain Kirk.
NessaChan: I trout you'll ever get anything betta than that.
Randy: LOL LOL
Goosey: LOL
* LaZorra HUGS Goosey!
* LaZorra HUGS MerSam!
Goosey: LOL LOL
NessaChan: I'm looking at a list of fish.. some of these are hilarious
NessaChan: Like "Comical Blenny" and "Convict Blenny"
Goosey: Nessa: Really? Those are kinds of fish? LOL
NessaChan: yep
ThePhan: Nessa: That sounds like some bizarre comedy team.
NessaChan: haha yeah.
NessaChan: lol "Horrid Stonefish"
NessaChan: "Hawaiian Squirrelfish"
NessaChan: Humpback Unicornfish
Goosey: LOL Pingi Logsucker must have red pigtails!
NessaChan: lol
NessaChan: Vagabond Butterflyfish
Nyperold: Cookie-cutter shark.
Nyperold: Cuckoo wrasse.
Nyperold: ...Discus.
Goosey: Add fish names to Titlebot.
Goosey: "Two striped Sweetlips"
Sam: No, fish DRESS names.
Goosey: LOL
Randy: LOL LOL
ThePhan: LOL
NessaChan: Pipa pipa Suriname Toad
Nyperold: Another meaning for "cobbler", huh?
Nyperold: There's the shoe guy, the dessert, and... the fish.
Goosey: There is a cobbler fish?
Maryam: Cobbler cobbler sounds... disgusting.
Goosey: LOL
Sam: Maryam: LOL
Maryam: Especially if you have human cobbler as well as fish cobbler in there.
Goosey: Ew.
NessaChan: bleh, fish cobbler
* Sam helps himself to some haddock sleeves.
Randy: Anybody know where I purt my glasses?
Goosey: PURT
Sam: Randy: Garsh, yer glasses is mighty purty.
Maryam: LOL
Randy: Hey, its hard to type blindly
* Goosey hands Nessa a frozen sturgeon.
Nyperold: Harelip sucker and Hog sucker.
Nyperold: Humuhumu-nukunuku-apua‘a. Say, isn't he in HHGTTG?
Maryam: Nyp: I remember doing some kind of thing in school on that fish. I picked it just for the name.
* ThePhan is ashamed to say she first knew it as the song from High School Musical 2, but was delighted when she discovered it was the name of an actual fish as well.
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Garsh. Randy's glasses is mighty purty.' by Sam.
Goosey: Hehehe.
Maryam: I believe the spelling is "gawrsh".
Randy: I concur
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Gwawrwsh. Randy's gwasses is mighty pwurty.' by Sam.
Maryam: LOL
* NessaChan is an actual hillbilly and thinks that "gawrsh" is correct but "purty" would be more appropriate.
Goosey: LOL
TalkingDog: UH-HWUH
LaZorra: LOL
Randy: LOL
Goosey: LOL LOL
Sam: ROR
Goosey: LOL LOL
NessaChan: Sharpayfish
* TalkingDog's mind crashes.
* LaZorra dies laughing.
LaZorra: I TOTALLY want a prescription for bling.
Randy: hehehe
* Sam prescribes LaZorra a 2-week course of gaudy gold chains. Wear 18 twice daily. Do not discontinue the bling until so directed by a Sam.
Goosey: What? No grill?
Randy: GRILL
TalkingDog: And pity fools three times a day.
Sam: Minimum.
Goosey: LOL
NessaChan: And don't forget to love your mama
TalkingDog: *snrk*
Goosey: Hahahaha.
NessaChan: Mr. T doens't take kindly to people who don't love their mamas
Sam: Avoid plane travel.
Sam: Sucka.
Goosey: And MRI's.
NessaChan: get a van
* Randy hands Sam a glass of milk
Goosey: LOL
* Goosey hands Sam a "I made it through Mirkwood and all I got was this lousy T-shirt" t-shirt.
* Maryam is now completely lost.
Revan: Don't worry, that's about where I'm at right now too.
Sam: Yeah. This conversation took about four right-angled turns in a row. Which SHOULD mean we're back on topic, but that's totally not the way RinkChat conversations work.
TalkingDog: That assumes we're in 2-dimensional space.
Goosey: That assumes we are sane.
TalkingDog: And that.
Randy: They gave T some milk laced with somekind of knockout stuff so they could get him on a plane
Goosey: You are not a true Rinkie until you can keep up with a conversation like this.
Sam: LaZorra started this by wanting a bling prescription, and then she goes away.
NessaChan: Maryam: Don't flounder, you'll get back on the right trout.
Goosey: Bahahaha!
Maryam: I don't want to be on a trout!
Sam: Salmon Randy are hilarious.
TalkingDog: Ow.
Randy: hehe
Kysle: Super Salmon Randy.
NessaChan: Does anyone have any diamonds?
NessaChan: Spades?
Goosey: GO FISH
Randy: GO FISH
Goosey: I WIN
Randy: BEAT
* Goosey sits down triumphantly on her perch.
NessaChan: I suppose this can get reel confusing
* Sam has an epiphany! A card game based on the idea of fishing! YES!
* LaZorra just read the buffer and thanks Sam for the bling prescription.
* LaZorra starts beating up foos who take advantage of people.
* LaZorra shaves her head and gets a nohawk.
Goosey: NOHAWK
Sam: Isn't a nohawk what you have NOW?
* Sam also has a nohawk.
Sam: I call it...Regular Haircut!
LaZorra: LOL
LaZorra: *A
Goosey: LOL LOL
Goosey: Mahowk?
Sam: A mohowk is when you go to get your hair cut, and it hurts.
Maryam: Wouldn't a nohawk be what Bill Cosby's son got that one time?
Maryam: A reverse mohawk?
LaZorra: LOL
LaZorra: YES
Sam: Zoey is talking to bug.
Sam: *bugs.
TalkingDog: LOL
NessaChan: I'm feeling a bit eel.
* LaZorra knows PEOPLE who talk to bug.
TalkingDog: Heh. Wasn't Zach nicknamed "Bug" before?
* Goosey pictures a lolcatz with Zoey captioned "o hai i iz talkin to bug"
ThePhan: Goosey: LOL
Goosey: LOL
Sam: Zach and Zoey are each really good at finding bugs in the house. They just sit at the base of the wall and stare up at it. If it's a particularly exciting bug, they'll squeak at it.
Sam: They'll stare at a bug all day if necessary.
Randy: My cat caught a little lizard the other day. Played little cat games with it
Sam: We don't really have lizards here. At least, not so plentiful you ever see them.
Randy: We threw the cat on the slip and slide yesterday. In a big puddle of soapy water
Maryam: Poor cat!
Goosey: Poor cat!
Randy: I think we got more enjoyment out of that than he did
* Goosey wishes she had thought of transcribing this. Like, an hour ago.
* Goosey sighs.
Goosey: But know what? That would have jinxed it, so never mind.
* ThePhan has the very beginning of the madness on her RinkQuotes blog (the fish dress part), but lost track after that.
Goosey: I can never tell when it's going to be good.
ThePhan: And not even all of that part.
Sam: I can pull it out of the logs if you all want.
Goosey: Please? :D :D :D
ThePhan: But indeed! Sam has logs!
Goosey: From when I came in.
Sam: Only if ALL of you want it.
* ThePhan would be all for it.
* Goosey holds up everybody's hands for them, so they all vote yes.
Sam: I am unconvinced.
Randy: Sure!
Maryam: Sure, sure, I suppose.
Sam: Nyperold is 27 minutes idle. Clearly he doesn't want it.
Nyperold: Hey, logs!
Randy: LOL