Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Odd Chess Moniker

Sam: ...
Sam: I'm in a Yahoo Chess room right now. I saw someone joined my table and wanted to play, so I hit the 'play' button, and now we're playing. Only then did I notice the username.
Sam: The username is funny_boobs.
Goosey: LOL LOL
ThePhan: LOL
ThePhan: Um...
ThePhan: As in, they have them?
ThePhan: They think they're funny in general?
Sam: Who knows.
* Goosey eats little homemade onigiri!
wintermute: ORIGAMI!
wintermute: Hrm. "Oni" means "demon" or "spirit"<>Goosey: Onigiri is rice balls.
wintermute: I don't know what "ri" means, but clearly you're eating some kind of Japanese demonic tracksuit...
* Goosey almost chokes on cauliflower.
Sam: funny_boobs is down a pawn.
Sam: I take that back. Two pawns.
Goosey: LOL You're going to give us a play-by-play so you can keep saying "funny_boobs" aren't you?
Sam: I think you figured me out.
wintermute: Sam: You should invade Kamchatka.
10Kan: LOL
10Kan: Sam: Did you ask your opponent about his moniker?
10Kan: Or her moniker, I suppose.
Sam: 10K: I don't dare.
Sam: I just sacrificed a knight to funny_boobs.
Goosey: LOL
* 10Kan pictures Sam pushing an armored knight into a volcano while assembled villagers chant "Funny_boobs! Funny_boobs!"
Sam: I promise this is not leading up to a joke about funny_boobs being mated.
10Kan: Don't boobs come pre-mated?
* Goosey is EATING here, and will have a fatal choking-while-laughing incident!
Ticia has left.
Sam: funny_boobs is launching a frontal assault against my king.
Goosey: LOL LOL
Sam: Bizarrely, a bishop is involved.
Goosey: Aaahh the mental images!!
10Kan: LOL
wintermute: Is he making a twin-pronged attack?
Sam: Actually, yes.
Sam: funny_boobs beat me.
Sam: Dang.
Maryam has entered.
Sam: Good moment to enter.
Maryam: LOL. Hi.
ThePhan: LOL... Yeah. It would have been more entertaining if it was a new person.
Sam: You know you're a regular when you can walk into a conversation like this and not even bat an eyelash.
10Kan: You've been pummeled, crushed beneath the might that is funny_boobs!
Maryam: Now that is a funny mental image.
Sam: I have the fish dress conversation from yesterday in progress, by the way.
ThePhan: Yay! hehe
10Kan: Ooh.
Maryam: You're currently having the same conversation about fish in dresses with someone?
Sam: haha. No, I mean I've pulled most of it out of the logs.
* ThePhan is overly amused by the idea that Sam might have informed funny_boobs that they had a fish in their dress.
Maryam: LOL
Sam: LOL
ThePhan: You should do that sometime if you're losing at chess. Maybe you'll startle them enough that you'll win!
Goosey: LOL
10Kan: Or you could accuse them of not having serious-enough boobs.
wintermute: So, Sam: Do you oppose funny_boobs?
Sam: After the beating, yes.
Sam: Prior to that, I think you could have considered me a supporter of funny_boobs.

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