Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Gaston's eggs

Tim: At least breakfast was good today. I guess.
Tim: The smell of rain somehow makes scrambled eggs much more awesome. Also, how is Gaston still alive if he ate so many eggs?
Tim: Maybe he doesn't know what a dozen is.
Tim: Or a barge.
Jennie: LOL

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dave gets introduced to Minecraft

Dave: I think I just punched a chicken.
TalkingDog: Chicken puncher.
Nyperold: Kung Pow Chicken: Enter the Fist
Dave: And... I got killed by a zombie.
TalkingDog: brainz
Dave: In retrospect, digging a big hole in the sand was probably not my best plan for surviving a monster attack.
TalkingDog: Zombies don't like swords. You should make one.
Dave: I was trying, but I couldn't figure out how.
Dave: I guess I'll watch some videos now to find out what the hell to do.
Sam: LOL
Dave: I managed to build a workbench. But I couldn't find sticks. And everything beyond that requires sticks, apparently.
Dave: I punched the fork out of plenty of trees, but no sticks.
Randy: LOL
TalkingDog: Sticks are made from planks.
Dave: Ooooh. Thanks.
Dave: I absolutely love that resource collection involves PUNCHING THINGS.
Goosey: LOL LOL
Dave: Oh man, you lose all your stuff when you die? My precious, precious things! That I punched various objects to collect!
TalkingDog: You can go pick it up, if it hasn't despawned.
TalkingDog: Items despawn in 5 minutes.  
Dave: This tutorial guy needs to do more teaching and less telling me about how if I don't learn what he's about to teach I'll die.
Goosey: LOL
TalkingDog: That doesn't sound like a great tutorial.
Dave: Because I already learned that part the hard way.
Maryam: Are you still trying to figure out how to make sticks?
LaZorra: "Are you still trying to figure out how to make sticks?" is the best out-of-context line I've seen for a while.
Goosey: LOL LOL
Dave: Whoa. I made a door.
Goosey: Yay a door!
Dave: I punched the stuff out of a tree and somehow made a door. That's awesome.
Goosey: LOL
Goosey: I am glad you are enjoying yourself punching the stuff out of stuff.
Dave: LaZorra: It IS hard to make sticks. I mean, I thought punching trees would be enough. But no, first you have to punch trees to get wood, then you combine the wood into planks, and then from planks you can make sticks.
Randy: LOL
Goosey: Making sticks is SCIENCe.
Goosey: Okay, Goosey is going to make herself go to bed now.
Dave: How do I pause. Does it just auto pause?
Randy: nights!
Goosey: Dave: Esc.
TalkingDog: It'll pause if you're out of window too, but not if you have certain things open. (Inventory, crafting window, and similar.)
Dave: Ok cool.
Goosey: Dave: Also, pressing F3 will show your coordinates, and F5 will change the camera view
Dave: I wasn't sure if it actually paused on the options screen or not.
Goosey: yuppers
Dave: Those could be handy.
Goosey: yus
Goosey: HAVE FUN

See you in March!

(This is from a transcript on March 1st of this year)

wintermute: OK, I need to be off.
wintermute: See you in March.
wintermute: BYE!
Dave: It is March.
wintermute: Dave: And I can see you now.
wintermute: QED.
Goosey: LOL!
Goosey: Night!
wintermute has left.

5-hour sheep

goldfishy: Anyway, I should try grabbing the 5 hours sheep still available to me so I can function tomorrow - because apparently that is desirable?
goldfishy: Night night
Nyperold: Seeya!
Randy: Sleep!
Randy: night!
goldfishy has left.
wintermute: A five-hour sheep?
Nyperold: You know, before the alamb goes off.
wintermute: She mutton be very tired.
Nyperold: Wool, that's to be expected.
Sentynel: These puns are bleating awful.
Randy: You could say they are baaaad
Goosey: Bet you guys feel sheepish.
wintermute: That's not a pun.
Goosey: Says ewe.

Telling Dave

Goosey: hahahah http://www.rantsfrommommyland.com/2010/12/is-there-app-for-baby-dialing.html
Sentynel: Goosey: LOL LOL
Goosey: Seriously this is the best blog ever.
Dave: But my blog has WAY more swears!
Goosey: Dave: Your blog only has WAY more technical swears. If we count almost-swears-but-not-cause-we-can-say-these-in-front-of-the-kids they are way ahead of you.
Dave: Darn.
Sam: She told you.
Goosey: Now I feel bad.
Dave: I have been told.
Dave: Wait, feel bad about what?
Goosey: For telling you.
Dave: Telling me I don't swear enough?
Dave: Don't be silly.
Goosey: hehehe
Sam: It hurtses the Daveses feelingses.
Sam: Yess it doess.
Goosey: lol
Dave: I'll just have to try harder to swear more in the future, that's all.

There is still toast.

TalkingDog: In response to our lack of interesting food to eat, my brain corrupted a pair of lines from one of the LotR trailers. (That is, they're not actually paired in the movie.)
TalkingDog: Elrond: "There is nothing for you here. Only bread." Arwen: "There is still toast."
TalkingDog: So I had toast.

Oops . . .

* Sam just got a fortune cookie that said, "Oops... Wrong cookie."

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bitter American Failure

* TalkingDog regrets tonight's McNuggets.
Goosey: TD: oogie?
TalkingDog: Half a bottle of Dew, and the aftertaste is still there.
TalkingDog: It tastes like bitter American failure.
Goosey: TD: ew
TalkingDog: It tasted more like chicken at the time.
Randy: LOL
LaZorra: TD: Aww, but LOL

Do Not Feed the Ego

Rose_Monster: How is everyone here?
* wintermute is pretty awesome.
* Rose_Monster agrees with that. :)
Maryam: Rose: Don't feed his ego.
Goosey: LOL
Maryam: That should be a sign somewhere in RinkChat. Do Not Feed the wintermute's Ego.
Goosey: LOL LOL
wintermute: What ego? O:-)
Goosey: So true.
Goosey: Mute: your head is so big that TD uses one of your old hats for a bed.
Maryam: LOL!
wintermute: LOL
Rose_Monster: ^There's the sign.
Goosey: good job

Face Removal

Dave: That reminds me of the visa stamp I got in my passport the first time I visited New Zealand.
Dave: Or, well, I got it every time I visited. But it was only funny the first time.
Rose_Monster: What did it say?
Dave: It said something like how I had to be out of the country by one month of the date stamped below, or FACE REMOVAL.
Maryam: LOL
Dave: I thought taking my face off was a pretty harsh punishment for overstaying my visa.
Sam: That sounds severe.
Maryam: That'd make sure I was out of the country by that time.
Sentynel: My NZ immigration stamp says "face deportation".
goldfishy: Sounds effective!

Country Music

Goosey: Oh my gosh. So we're playing music in Turntable.
Goosey: Somebody starts playin "Every Rose Has it's Thorn" by Poison.
Goosey: Noob asks "Is this country? ew."
Sentynel: o_o
Goosey: The entire room: "..."
Sam: ...
Goosey: If you can't tell the difference between a monster ballad and a country song, there is something wrong in your brain.
Sam: "Every cowboy sings a sad, sad song." <-------------- COUNTRY LYRICS
Goosey: LOL LOL
Sam: In all seriousness, that's probably what made him think that. Not that that's any excuse.
Goosey: Probably.

(I'm still kind of floored by this. Wow.)

Friday, April 27, 2012

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's . . .

Sam: Um, there was the biggest bee I've ever seen in here just now.
Goosey: O__O
Sam: I think it was a bumblebird.
Leen: EEK!
Leen: LOL
Goosey: LOL

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Into the Freezer

Dave: Where on earth would you store 20 weeks' worth of food, anyhow?
Leen: In one of those big freezers Goosey was talking about.
Leen: They suckered Jake into one of those, too.
Goosey: Leen: Did they ever get him out?
Sam: Eh?
Sam: Leen didn't mean that they suckered Jake INTO THE FREEZER.
Dave: OH NO
Sam: Although that would have been hilarious.
Sam: "Jake! What are you doing locked in the freezer!?" // "Well, it was a really irresistable sales pitch!"

Little kid.

Sam: That's a backspace joke. You kids probably don't get that.
Maryam: I think there's only one person in this room under 30 right now.
Goosey: And he's idle.
Sam: You're still kids to me.
Maryam: I got it, anyway.
Sam: Ok, not really.
Sam: But seriously, anyone even, like, three years younger than me HAS to be a kid.
Sam: When I'm 95, I'll probably look at the 90-year-olds in the nursing home and thinking, "Little kid."

Dew-dew run run!

* TalkingDog considers digging some quarters out of the change bucket for another Dew run.
TalkingDog: We have store brand Dew, actually. And I haven't tried this one. But any motivation for exercise is probably good. Right?
Leen: Suuuuure
Goosey: TD: yeS!
Sam: I drank it on a Monday, and my heart stood still. Dew-dew run run run, dew-dew run run!
Goosey: LOL
Sam: I drank it all down, and I had my fill. Dew-dew run run run, dew-dew run run!
Goosey: YEAH
Goosey: That Dew is fine
Goosey: YEAH Gonna make it mine
Sam: And then I drove it home...
Sam: Dew-dew run run run, dew-dew run run!
Goosey: :-D

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It ALL the things!

ThePhan: The last five ChaCha questions I got have been: one about cars, one about fishing, one about a chemistry equation, one about world politics, and one about football.
Randy: hehe
ThePhan: It's like they're trying to it ALL of the things I know nothing about.
Goosey: lol
ThePhan: ...It?
Goosey: LOL
Nyperold: Try to it ALL of the things!
ThePhan: I can't even remember what verb I was going for.
Sentynel: Hit?
ThePhan: Hit! I bet that was it
* Sentynel translates ThePhan for ThePhan.
* ThePhan bets the next one is a math question.

Tell Hearts and Other Pink Stuff to SHUT UP Month

Sam: What's February for you?
Goosey: Tell Hearts and Other Pink Stuff to SHUT UP Month
Sam: Ohhh.
Sam: Here. You may have a ♥ to tell to shut up.
Sam: You TELL that ♥.
Ticia: ♥
* ♥ is silenced by Goosey and by Sam
* Goosey is given a @-`-,--`,--`-,---- by Ticia.
Goosey: That actually made me feel a little better
Randy: LOL
Goosey: YAY thanks Ticia!
* @-`-,--`,--`-,---- is smashed by Goosey and by Sam.
Sam: Oh wait, that was a good thing?
Goosey: LOL
Ticia: lol
Goosey: Sam: They are if they are presents for me. Then they are acceptable.
Sam: Ohhh.
Goosey: It's only the ones that are saying NEENER NEENER NOBODY IS GOING TO GIVE ME TO YOU that must be punished.
Randy: Those are evil
Sam: Ok, here is a ♥ from me to you. And here is a ♥ I just saw somewhere. Now bring a thunderstorm of love/hate smackdown on 'em!
Goosey: Thanks for the ♥ Sam!
* Sam mashes the ♥ into a ♦ and sells it on eBay.
Goosey: LOL!
Ticia: G♥o♥o♥s♥e♥y♥t♥o♥t♥t♥a♥l♥y♥r♥o♥c♥k♥s♥
Goosey: :-D
Ticia: Haha, that is awesome.
* Sam ♣s the ♥ and buries it with a ♠.
Ticia: lol
Goosey: hahahhaah
Sam: Stupid ♥. Sitting there, all "Hey. I'm a ♥."
Goosey: LOL
Sam: I know how to pull Dave into this conversation.
Sam: Hey Dave. Ever notice that a ♥ is kind of like upside-down boobs?
Goosey: LOL LOL
Dave: No
Sam: Well. Now you know.
Dave: Sweet
Dave: Those are kind of droopy boobs, though.
Dave: I mean, hey. Wear a bra, honey.
Sam: Or maybe they're lighter-than-air right-side-up ones.
Goosey: Dirigible boobs?
Sam: That would be a great name for a band.
Dave: Either way, not cool.
Maryam: I would not want my boobs to be attacking my chin.
Randy: hehe


Sam: Ok, so you're fine with me running a word count on my site then?
Sam: Looks like I have 414,083 words on At-A-Glance Film Reviews. Now let's count Adventure Games Live....
Sam: ;-)
Dave: Look, I already said those don't count.
Dave: Oh wait. No I didn't
Dave: Crap.
Sam: *it
Dave: Dammit!
Dave: I lose again.
Sam: So anyway, let me know when you've written 4 more novels.
Dave: I'm just going to type the words "SCREW YOU" over and over again until I win.
Sam: Um
Sam: That number just hit me.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Freecycle tomatoes

Leen: Alas, it's hard to find good tomatoes in the winter. :-/
* Leen makes her first post on freecycle. 
Sam: For tomatoes?
Leen: LOL
Leen: You nut.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Return of the Chicken Panties

Dave: Don't put marbles in your nose. Do not put them in there!
Ticia: ???
Mia: Ticia: What is there to question? Don't put marbles up your nose. Seems pretty straight-forward to me.
* Sam is a male chauvinistic pig, because he believes that men can be bigger pigs than women can.
Ticia: I was wondering why Dave said that suddenly.
Goosey: lol
Sam: One time I didn't eat a bug.
Sam: But just the once.
Ticia: I'm guessing it's because he has a marble up each nostril.
* Lirelyn has no marbles to not put up her nose.
* TalkingDog thinks Dave is making a Home Movies reference, if he remembers his Adult Swim cartoons right
Randy: I think I tried to do that when I was a kid.
Mia: What about pennies? Are pennies okay to shove up your nose?
Dave: I dunno. The show didn't say anything about pennies.
Dave: I would guess it's ok.
Mia: Ah, okay. Good to know!
* Sam puts Mia's wrap up his nose
Mia: Oh, that's where my wrap went! I've been looking for that thing for like...12 years!
Randy: Chicken wraps are awesome
Randy: Thats worse than a bacon bra.
Sam: I said that instead of "chicken patties" one time.
Sam: It was funny
Goosey: Sam: Either Phan or I has that in our blog somewhere hahaha

And here it is! http://rinkquotes.blogspot.com/2010/05/bread-shorts-and-chicken-panties.html