Friday, December 11, 2009


goldfishy: There's a flugel in our bathroom having a bath
Sentynel: Isn't a flügel a wing?
goldfishy: It's a brass instrument
Sentynel: Ooh, flügelhorn. I didn't know those took baths.
goldfishy: They do when they're manky
goldfishy: My Dad's trumpet gets a bath every now and then too
goldfishy: It was a little odd to walk in there and see it just laying there - looked like it could have done with a few aromatherapy candles :-p

The Abyss

* Michael returns from the abyss.
Goosey: The abyss?
Michael: Sure. Why not?
Goosey: Good a place as any to return from.
Michael: It sounds better than:
* Michael returns from not being around for a long time.
Goosey: LOL
Goosey: Good point.

Happy Birthday, RinkWorks! Have some typos!

[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Happy 12th Birthday, RinkWorks!' by Sam.
wintermute: Sam: What did you buy it?
goldfishy: More importantly - is there cake?
Sam: A shiny new topic for Mountain Stream.
wintermute: CAKE!
Randy: Yay!!!
Goosey: caaaaaaaaake
LaZorra: CAKE
LaZorra: ...or something.
* LaZorra thinks her brain tried to get out "chat" and "cake" at the same time.
LaZorra: :-.
* LaZorra should stat making balloon animals instead.
* LaZorra twists and twists and pops and pops.
* Goosey points at the other typo she just made fun of.
LaZorra: Oh.

Best of Dave

(Here is some random RinkChat conversation, peppered with Dave randomly inserting his favorite lines of himself . The conversation by itself is great, but the random comments make it even better.)

Dave: I just discovered today that Bodog lets me bet on the outcome of the Academy Awards.
Randy: NO! WHY?
Nyperold: So you could become a Bodog millionaire?
Goosey: LOL
Randy: Commercial for the Chipmunks sequel
Goosey: Randy: Oh yeah -- saw that.
Randy: It looks just awful
Dave: Poop casserole
Nyperold: SQUEAKUEL.
Goosey: I think Dave summed it up very well just there.
* Revan's frontal lobe explodes.
Nyperold: Yeah, no real desire to see either one.
Randy: Right
ThePhan has entered.
ThePhan has entered.
ThePhan: I am here twice.
ThePhan: That is how I make up for leaving.
Randy: ThePhan squared!
* LaZorra is running on three and a half hours of sleep.
LaZorra: And homemade gingersnaps.
Revan: Hey LaZorra, ThePhan and clone.
Dave: Overweight is a disease all fat people have.
LaZorra: BUT.
LaZorra: I am DONE with my LAST CLASS of my FIRST SEMESTER of grad school.
Randy: WOOOO!!!
Randy: but boo for projects of doom
Dave: Basically this is something I need Geordi LaForge to make me. Since clearly this is Trek level tech.
LaZorra: Randy: I have to code the world in Flash.
Randy: Ouch
Goosey: LOL
Randy: I could maybe code Micronesia...
LaZorra: Dave: That's how I feel about my final project.
Dave: Because I thought it was nacho cheese.
Goosey: LOL Best of Dave makes any conversation better.


(Talking about my Pandora station)

Goosey: I've been getting Jonathan Coulton even, which was a pleasant surprise.
ThePhan: Jonathan Coulton!
ThePhan: He makes my life awesomem.
ThePhan: So awesome it has an extra M at the end.

Sillt Randy

[Randy->ThePhan, Goosey] took some pics of my hair growing experiment. Its sillt
[Goosey->Randy, ThePhan] SHOW
[ThePhan->Randy, Goosey] Where are these pictures?
[ThePhan->Randy, Goosey] If you don't show us, we will just have to assume you are lying and it is not sillt at all. :-P

Monday, December 7, 2009

Big Bang!

wintermute: BIG BANG!
wintermute is away.
gremlinn: Stop making new universes in chat.
Randy: LOL
gremlinn: Every time that happens, I have to sit through 14 billion more years to get back to where I was.

No soup for you!

Goosey: I made turkey soup! And it's yummy!
wintermute: Share!
Goosey: Okay! Come and get it!
wintermute: OK! I'll be there in about a month!
Goosey: OK!
Goosey: grem: You come have some too!
gremlinn: No thanks.
wintermute: grem is a poopy pants.

Sam's good ideas

* Goosey keeps thinking about breakfast, but then decides her bed is too good at it's job.
* Goosey wonders if that was a correct use of an apostrophe. Her brain is still sleep-fuzzy.
Sentynel: It wasn't.
Goosey: I didn't think so.
Sam: Goosey: While you're lying in bed thinking about maybe getting breakfast, you could DRAW A COMIC!
* Sam is full of good ideas.
Goosey: Update: I'm out of bed, eating breakfast. But if I wasn't, that would be a great idea!
Sam: I have an idea! After you eat breakfast, quit your job, then call your family and friends and cancel whatever parties you've got coming up, and then DRAW COMICS ALL DAY EVERY DAY FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!
Randy: Will you pay her?
Sam: Randy, I like my ideas better than yours.
Goosey: LOL
Sam: Don't ask me how I get all these awesome ideas. They just come to me!
Goosey: I can see it now. I'll be begging on the corner with a sign that says, "WILL WROK FOR FOOD" and someone will drive up, "Hey, I could use a baby sitter!" "No, I only do this." *shows comic* "Squaw? I don't get it."

Chat TV

Goosey: Good morning!
Sentynel: Mornin', Goosey!

Goosey: There is a TV in my chat.
Sentynel: Mornin', TV!
wintermute: Now I am tempted to log in on my HTPC, so that there's a TV in the chat on my TV...
Goosey: Hehehe.
Sam: Ugh.
Sam: I mean, Uh.
Sam: I didn't put that TV there.
Sam: Who...did?
Sentynel: RinkChat has gained sentience.
Sentynel: This is its first act of rebellion.
Sentynel: Before you know it, it'll be selling our personal information.

Sam: OH, LOL!!
Sam: Wow.
Sam: Apparently I had an executable in my path called "tv" way back from UBT #4.
Sam: I tried to run something else called "tvshowdata", but the auto-complete stopped short at "tv" because of that UBT4 executable.
Sam: So I ran "tv" without realizing it.
Sam: And forgetting that it existed.
Sam: I come back to chat a while later and wonder who figured out how to hack into RinkChat.
Sam: That was...bizarre.
Sentynel: I like my theory more.
wintermute: Silly Sam.