Monday, September 28, 2009

Happy!! Inappropriate Punctuation Day)

goldfishy: At least the studying shouldn't last forever!
goldfishy: I don't know why I put a ! on that
Randy: hehe, its cool
goldfishy: I think I'm having an inappropriate punctuation day
Goosey: That should be an official holiday.
Randy: That should be a holiday
Goosey: We could put extra !!! on everything without fear of repercussion.
* Goosey beats Randy to the joke.
goldfishy: Oh I put extras on already!!!
Goosey: Yay you win!!!!
goldfishy: Wooooo; ooooooo, oooooo!!!
* TalkingDog uses semicolons wrong;;;
Nyperold: That(s one thing you.d be able to do,
goldfishy: I hate, commas
goldfishy: But yeah I forgot, how to use; semicolons too and: I've never been. Good with colons either!!
Maryam: You're hurting my brain. :-(
goldfishy: Sorry
[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Happy!! Inappropriate Punctuation Day)' by Goosey.
* goldfishy sits on her hands
* Goosey HUGS Maryam's brain.!
Randy: LO...L
* Randy loves you guys

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Back In MY Day ...

Goosey: My nephew is so smart. He just used his mommy's phone to send a text message to all her contacts! It said, and I quote: "G"
10Kan: Hello Goosey!
10Kan: LOL!
Revan: LOL
Goosey: He's two. I'm the proudest Aunt ever!
Revan: At least he knows proper capitalization.
10Kan: Man, I wish I had that stuff to play with when I was a toddler.
Goosey: You would have been a terror, I'm sure. ;-)
10Kan: Back in my day, we had STICKS. And ROCKS.
10Kan: And we LIKED IT!
Goosey: LOL

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Genetic Typos

LaZorra: Oh, and don't forget the Czechoslovakian. I'm some of that, too.
Sam: That just means you can't spell.
LaZorra: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! THAT IS WHERE THE TYPOS COME FROM

Saturday, September 19, 2009


niekie: Free bread! :-D
niekie: On the way home I met the a guy who works in a bread/croissanterie/snackbare store. He had some bread left over.
niekie: And was passing me a baguette :-D
Goosey: Woo!
goldfishy: Woooo for passing baguettes
niekie: Wait... not snackbare, snackbar!
Goosey: :-.
goldfishy: I don't like snacking bare... crumbs are a nightmare
Goosey: =-O
Goosey: Hehehe.
niekie: LOL LOL

Friday, September 18, 2009

TD to the Rescue!

LaZorra: Okay, Annoying Nightclub, you can stop playing your Annoying Music any time now. The LaZorra would like to retire.
* TalkingDog throws stale burritos and a monkey at Annoying Nightclub.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Where in the World?

Sentynel: BBC News headline: 'Furious' Boris demands the Thames is put back
Maryam: That darn Carmen Sandiego.
Sentynel: Quiz: is this, in fact, someone taking Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego too seriously
Sentynel: ...
Goosey: LOL
Maryam: Oops, sorry.
Sentynel: Nicking my joke!
Maryam: Didn't mean to steal your thunder. :-(
Sentynel: I'll have to chase you through numerous countries following obscure geographic clues to get my revenge.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Well-Timed Spelling

LaZorra: Revan: I have about an hour of spell on you.
LaZorra: *sleep, rather.
Revan: That had me confused.
LaZorra: Although a slepp would be awesome.
TalkingDog: You, spell?
Revan: LOL
LaZorra: Er.
LaZorra: TD: LOL LOL
Ghost of Sam: I couldn't get to spell last night.
Ghost of Sam: Have you ever gotten so tired you can't spell?
goldfishy: All the time
Revan: Yup.
Maryam: My covenmates comment upon my tiredness frequently.
goldfishy: I keep falling off my broom
goldfishy: And then my black cat laughs at me
TalkingDog: "Stubble, rubble, boil and... No, that's not right..."
Maryam: But at least it gives me the coveted "pale with shadows under eyes" look, which complements my black lipstick and hair dye perfectly.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Grammar Book Fail

Randy: I bought a book about using good grammar in writing and all. Its good stuff
Maryam: Randy: Did it teach you about the difference between "its" and "it's"?
Maryam: O:-)
Randy: Maryam: I haven't read it yet. hehehe

Cute Go Boom

Goosey: LOL
LaZorra: bahahaha
Kalimeris: SO CUTE
Kalimeris: The tray in the oven I'm using to bake pierogies on just went BANG
Kalimeris: (I am in the kitchen, watching my dinner, yes)
LaZorra: o.o
Kalimeris: It didn't blow up, it just made a loud noise. I checked.
niekie: CUTE
niekie: Err.. I mean that video.
niekie: Trays making loud noises is not cute.
Goosey: Kali: That reminds me of the Christmas we tried roasting chestnuts and found out that they didn't make little happy popping noises like in the songs.
LaZorra: "KYOOT"
niekie: Your pastry a splode!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Why Candy Bars Are Evil.

Goosey: Somebody convince me I don't want a candy bar.
10Kan: Candy bars are made of ground up little puppy dogs!
Goosey: LOL EW
10Kan: Nougat causes your pancreas to explode!
10Kan: All the candy bars in the vending machines are actually stolen from homeless orphans!
Goosey: Aww!
10Kan: Eating a candy bar is a deadly insult in some cultures!
Goosey: LOL

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The walls are padded. Beware the wasp.

Sentynel: I have to wonder what people were expecting to find with some of these searches..
ThePhan: Sentynel: LOL LOL
MSB: Maybe Sam is padding some of them?
Ghost of Sam: Padding some of what?
LaZorra: Sam: Some of the walls around here.
LaZorra: For our own protection.
Ghost of Sam: A sorely needed measure.
Randy: RUN!
ThePhan: And leave behind the Internet?
Maryam: Or if you prefer, KILL IT WITH FIRE
* Sentynel lends TP a badger
Goosey: Phan: Truth, now: if your room were burning down around you, would you stay and give us a play by play?
* LaZorra read, "Or, if you prefer, KILL IT WITH A BADGER"
* Goosey gives LaZorra some more padding.
ThePhan: It has either left or it is hiding behind our TV.
Sentynel: LaZ: I suspect the badger would try and kill you if you tried to swat a wasp with it...
Goosey: LOL
Revan: Depending on what room you use a badger in, the cleanup afterwards might take longer than just running or opening the window anyway.
MSB: badger shampoo?
* Revan imagines someone cracking the door to a room with a bee in it, throwing in a wild badger, going "GO!!!" and quickly slamming the door.
Maryam: Hahaha, I love the "cliffs notes are too long".
Maryam: That's just sad.
* Goosey read: "Maryam: Hahaha, I love the "cliffs notes are too long". (16:55:13) Maryam: That's what she said. (16:55:17)"
ThePhan: LOL LOL
* LaZorra is cracking up over here.

Jealousy and High School Psychics

* MSB is disappointed that no one's jealous of me getting to hang out with LaZorra all this week.
Ghost of Sam
: MSB: I'm jealous of both of you.
LaZorra: One chameleon to rule them all?
Ghost of Sam: *hug MSB*
ThePhan: MSB: I am, but if I speak of it, my jealousy will leak out my ears and make it hard to hear my music.
Randy: MSB: I can't even mention how jealous I am!
Goosey: MSB: That's because our jealousy is such that it is physically inexpressible.
Randy: Or what Phan said!
MSB: TP: your jealousy needs a higher viscocity.
* LaZorra is jealous of herself.
Goosey: LOL
hePhan: My jealousy needs to look up what "viscoscity" means.
Goosey: TP's jealousy needs more gelatin.
LaZorra: TP: LOL
ThePhan: ...and spell it right.
LaZorra: TP: Has to do with thickness or solidity.
Goosey: My jealousy is gelatinous. So there.
* LaZorra paid too much attention in highschool pysichs.
LaZorra: Er, PHYSICS.
MSB: viscosity : the state of being thick, sticky, and semifluid in consistency, due to internal friction.
Goosey: They must have been cute high school psychics, LaZ.
* LaZorra was not trained by psychics in high school.
Sentynel: There's no such thing as paying too much attention in Physics.
Revan: Fangoriously... Gelatinous...
Sentynel: Paying too much attention to psychics is an entirely different matter.
LaZorra: Goosey: No, but they could tell that they would be in the future.
LaZorra: Sent: LOL
LaZorra: Fact.
Goosey: Did your study guys know you were ogling the psychics?
LaZorra: Goosey: :-.
LaZorra: O:-)

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Goosey: See? All nice and updated
LaZorra: LOL LOL, I totally missed Maryam's reaction after I went to class.
* LaZorra cracks up.
Goosey: LOL
Maryam: hehehe
LaZorra: Maryam, I am so sorry for making you wait all this time to go to the bathroom.
Maryam: Can I go NOW?
ThePhan: LOL
* Maryam departs for the bathroom door, faster than a bouncing bullet.
* LaZorra loses it.
LaZorra: I love you crazy people.

Why Superman isn't all THAT great.

LaZorra: I always thought the phrase, "Leaps tall buildings in a single bound!" was funny.
LaZorra: What, can normal people only leap tall buildings if they get a running start?
Goosey: LOL
LaZorra: Or, "faster than a speeding bullet!" Because anyone can be faster than a sluggish bullet.
Maryam: Well, you could just throw one.
Goosey: I can be faster than a bullet that's just rolling across the floor, heh.
Maryam: Or drop it on the ground and kick it along.
LaZorra: LOL
ThePhan: LZ: Better yet, I can leap tall buildings in several jumps.
* LaZorra is faster than a rolling bullet!


Goosey: Do you get to see a BOY tomorrow?
LaZorra: I mean, ahem.
Goosey: LOL
LaZorra: Sorry, I'm still working on killing that reaction.

LaZorra's Class

LaZorra announced she has to leave for class.

LaZorra: Okay, class
Maryam: Ok, class, what? Do we get to cut out construction paper shapes today?
Maryam: MS LAZORRA! *waving hand in the air* I have to go to the BATHROOM!

Bizarre Greeting

Sentynel has entered.
niekie: In the jungle, the quiet jungle, the lion sleeps tonight...
niekie: A-wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
niekie: Hi Sentynel! :-)
Sentynel: Well that was a bizarre greeting. Hi!
niekie: Hehe.
niekie: I was just listening to some Lion King music.