Friday, January 29, 2016

Sleep chatting

Goosey: I'm oly opening one eye halfway at intervals to type (16:49:20)
TalkingDog: just oof (16:49:21)
Goosey: Actually, now that I know I'm in the right window I'm not looking at all (16:49:30)
Goosey: So. (16:49:32)
Goosey: I hope you are saying nice things (16:49:38)
TalkingDog: hehe (16:49:41)
Goosey: hahaa TD you so funny, whatever you just said (16:49:47)
Maryam: LOL (16:49:52)
TalkingDog: hamsters (16:49:57)
Goosey: yummm (16:50:08)
* TalkingDog dies (16:50:14)
Goosey: yay! (16:50:15)
Maryam: hehehe (16:50:22)
Goosey: Okay going to open my eyes now to check and see if my responses were close (16:50:36)
Goosey: Bahahahaha (16:50:42)
TalkingDog: sillies (16:50:56)
Goosey: That was a fun game, lol. (16:51:01)
Goosey: I should sleep-chat more often. (16:51:05)

Monday, January 25, 2016


Revan: I don't usually get too hung up on semantics, unless I'm on the internet or my boss makes an angry whiteboard essay with lots of spelling errors. (11:39:42)
Revan: He's fun to mess with. (11:39:46)
Revan: I do my job properly so he tolerates me. :D (11:39:58)
Goosey: hehe (11:40:14)
Revan: "Yeah bro I hate lazziness too" (11:40:16)
Xoon has entered. (11:40:48)
Goosey: lazziness = too lazy to fix typo? (11:41:24)
Kalimeris: Angry whiteboard essays! (11:41:32)
Sessie: There's a "typo = LaZness" joke in there somewhere... (11:43:01)
* Sessie ducks (11:43:09)
Xoon: By the way, our eyes use a convex lens :P (11:43:26)
Goosey: Sessie: Yes, I know. Because that is the joke I made. (11:43:43)
Kalimeris: Guys LaZ sometimes makes typos (11:44:09)
Sessie: ... (11:44:13)
Kalimeris: :D (11:44:16)
Revan: BAHAHAHA (11:44:22)
* Sessie stands back up and learns reading comprehension. (11:44:23)
Goosey: Kali: Does LaZ make typos? Because that would make this funny. (11:44:30)
* Goosey HUGS Sessie! (11:44:40)
* Sessie HUGS Goosey! (11:44:46)

Friday, January 22, 2016

Sam is Sam

(Getting to know some new people in chat, the conversation had turned to how old everyone was.)

Replica19: How old is Sam?
Xoon: 5 :P
Goosey: Sam is ageless.
Goosey: He is the Creator.
Goosey: He is the Rink.
Replica19: Is he a bot? XD
Replica19: oh lol
Vonnis: I'm off for a bit to find some food.
Vonnis: Laters peeps.
Sessie: No, he's--wait. IS Sam a bot?
Goosey: Nope.
Goosey: He transcends bot.
Sessie: Oh, that's right.
Xoon: He's a AI!
Kalimeris: Sam is the music planets make.
Goosey: He's OI.
Sessie: There's nothing A about his I.
Xoon: He's HIAI :P
Goosey: Now you're getting it.
Replica19: So Sam is a god or something?
Vonnis has left. 
Sessie: You know that place between sleep and awake? That place where you still remember dreaming?
Goosey: That's Sam.
Sessie: That's where you'll find Sam. That's where he'll be waiting.
Replica19: Creepy.
Xoon: Limbo, or sleep paralysis?
Goosey: Sam made the RinkWorks.
Goosey: Without Sam was nothing in the RinkWorks made.
Replica19: I know, but the way you describe him is creepy. XD
Goosey: Everything in the RinkWorks was made by him, of him, for him.
* Xoon pokes Goosey
Sessie: Sam is you. Sam is me.
Sessie: He is us all, and we are all him.
Replica19: Um
Replica19: xD
Goosey: Does that answer your question?
Replica19: Sure... :)
* Xoon pokes Goosey 
Goosey: Sam knows all. He's probably watching right now.
Replica19: That's comforting. xD
Xoon: Can he read PMs?
* Xoon pokes Goosey 
* Ghost_of_Sam is not watching. 
Sessie: Sam is PMs.
Goosey: Poke me again and see what happens.
Goosey: Ooooh you guys woke him up!
* Replica19 pokes Goosey. 
[RinkChat] User Replica19 has been shrunken by Goosey. 
Ghost_of_Sam: Whoooo has dared waken me from my slumber...........
* Xoon pokes Ghost_of_Sam 
Replica19: Aw I'm tiny ^_^
Goosey: These new kids were asking about you. We answered best we could.
* Replica19 unpokes Goosey. 
* Ghost_of_Sam is PMS 
Sessie: Hope you're all shielding your eyes.
* Replica19 has been punished prop[erly.
[RinkChat] User Replica19 has been unshrunken by Goosey. 
Sessie: Would hate to see some noob faces melting.
Replica19: Yay!
* Xoon pokes Sam
* Goosey makes an offering of sugar and lemon juice to the great Sam
* Sessie offers ginger ale 
* Xoon pokes Sam 
* Goosey also offers chocolate so Sam will be somewhat less PMS
* Xoon pokes Sam (12:16:29) Replica19: You guys gonna spray perfume on him too? 
* Ghost_of_Sam groannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnns and slowwwwwwwwwly eats the chocolate. 
Goosey: Xoon is a one-trick pony
* Ghost_of_Sam sinks back into the ether. 
Sessie: Sam exudes pure unadulterated beauty and has no need for earthly perfumes.
Replica19: XD Goosey rofl
* Xoon pokes Sam
Goosey: Sam is the essence of pulchritudinousness
* Replica19 pokes Xoon in the pony eye 
Replica19: This. Is. Creepy now :D
Replica19: I think I get the idea you guys have :)
Xoon: Got to eat brb
* Xoon pokes Sam 
[RinkChat] User Xoon has been kicked from the room by Goosey. 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Anthony Doesn't Sleep

(This was written up by my sister several years ago. Anthony is her first child, and was 2 1/2 years old at the time. I have her permission to repost here.)

You know, having a bad night because of your kid is WAAAAY different if they're sick. It's not their fault. But last night....oh man, Anthony had NO EXCUSE.

To start, yesterday sucked. Anthony was a monster all day.

5:00pm- Cue momma's migraine. :(
6:00- Daddy gets home. Some relief!
9:00- Anthony's bed time. Gets changed, daddy reads books. Sets up baby gate. Lightning storm starts.
10:00- Anthony still awake. Normal
11:00- Anthony starts freaking out about the thunder which is loud now.
11:30- We take Anthony out of his room to cuddle while we finish watching tv
12:00- decide we'll take him to be with us so we can all get some sleep.
12:30 Anthony's still not asleep. Storm is over.
12:45- time for Anthony to go to HIS room because he's not going to sleep in our bed.
1:00- Anthony pushes baby gate down and comes back in our room
1:02- Daddy takes him back to his room. Breaks baby gate
1:12- Anthony walks back because baby gate is broken.
1:14- Momma takes him back and fixes baby gate.
1:35 Anthony pushes baby gate down again. comes in our room.
1:36- I let him stay. He’s GOT to be exhausted. He'll fall asleep, right?
1:48-WRONG. Still squirming around on the bed and/or messing with stuff in my room.
1:49- I take Anthony back to his room. "I love you. Good night." I lock the door. How else am I supposed to keep him in his room??
1:50- Cue hysterical crying from Anthony. "Hello? Momma? Hellooo?" :(
1:51- By the way, I still have a migraine.
1:55- I take my blanket, unlock his door, and go lay down on his tiny, 100-lbs-max toddler bed so he'll fall asleep.
2:00- Ok, I think he's asleep. slooooowly get out of his bed. Gah! He's awake! I tell him I'll just sit by the door for a while.
2:06- Carefully open his door, sneak out, lock the door, close it. walk down the hall. DANG IT, he's awake!
2:07- Cue hysterical crying AGAIN because of, course, we abandoned him.
2:15- Anthony shows up in my room. YES, he learned how to unlock his door. JOY. Maybe I'll just leave him alone and he'll fall asleep somewhere...
2:30- I wake up to crinkling. Anthony found a bag of gumballs and was trying to open it! Gah! Alright, no more wandering. Plus, I remember he knows how to open the front door. Wouldn’t THAT be fun?!
2:31- Take him BACK to his room. Hmmm, how to keep him in his room without making him think we abandoned him…
2:34- Crazy Momma pushes love seat from living room to in front of Anthony's door. YES! Success!
2:35- Good night.
2:50- Guess who climbed OVER the couch and is back in my room?!
2:51- BACK to his room (this is about the EIGHTH time, we’re putting him to bed AND I still have a migraine!) This is getting ridiculous. What to do, what to do….
2:52- Insane, sleep-deprived, migraine Momma takes baby gate and suspends it in the door frame above the couch. Brilliant!
2:53- Cue Anthony crying again when he realizes he can’t get out. I laugh.
3:00- Momma falls asleep. Anthony does too at some point only to wake up again at 7am.

How was YOUR night? :)

Hiking With Dogs

(Conversation on Facebook this morning. Note: We live in different time zones so it's much earlier for her than me.)

Me: I'm a cat person, but I sometimes think having a dog would be nice.
Mom: [landlord's dogs]?
Me: They are smelly lol
They are good dogs.
I wonder if [landlord] would let me take them hiking, but then what if something happened to them? Or, less tragically, what if they peed in my car? lol

 Oh . . . Alan Rickman passed. :(
(Why are you awake?)
Mom: Who is Alan Rickman.
I am awake because it's morning time.
Me: ... Who is Alan Rickman? Snape, mom. Colonel Brandon. Mr. Marsten. Hans Gruber. Dr. Lazarus. "By Grabthar's Hammer" The Sheriff of Nottingham.
Mom: Oh. I'm sorry. So he doesn't like dogs? It's brain is still fuzz
Me: LOL :P
Mom: OHHHH Alan Rickman passed, as in he died? I was reading as if he passed you while you were hiking with dogs! Lol ha ha ha
Me: HAHAHAHA MOM Wow you need to wake up hahaha
Mom: Imagine me up in the office on the couch laughing hysterically by myself literally out loud!
Me: No, that would be a MUCH better start to my day, if I were running into Alan Rickman while hiking with dogs.
Imagine me trying to get ready for work, laughing through tears literally out loud hahahaha
Mom: Oh my. Breathe. Well, get a move on now. Have a good started with a smile. . .
Me: Thanks mom :) You have a good day too.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Blue Moon

Kalimeris: Does LaZorra ever come in here anymore?
Nyperold: Occasionally.
Goosey: Blue moon.
Goosey: a month ago last sighting.
Nyperold: You saw me chatting alone / without a RinkDream in my heart / without a love of my own...
Goosey: LOL