Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ow, my Bach!

Sam: Man, my bach still hurts.
Ticia: My beethoven is killing me.
goldfishy: I have this random ache all down the left hand side of my Mozart.
Ticia: goldfishy: I hate it when that happens!
Goosey: You guys think you have it bad. I've had issues with my Chopin all week.
wintermute: My Rachmaninov hurts in cold weather.
Ticia: That makes it tough, when you're Chopin Brocolli.
Goosey: Don't even get me started about my Pachelbel.
Sam: LOL! I came back and read the buffer backwards, trying to figure out where this silly classical composer joke started.
Goosey: LOL
* Sam is back.
Ticia: Poor Sam.

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