Monday, December 1, 2014

3 little oranges

Goosey: ONe of my oranges was moldy on the outside and now I'm suspicious of all of them (19:31:39)
TalkingDog: noooooooo, bad ornj (19:31:58)
Goosey: there were only 3 left. (19:32:17)
niekie: 3 little oranges, feeling a little blue. Goosey tossed the first one, and then there were just two. (19:35:42)
Sessie: awww, lol (19:35:53)
Goosey: LOL (19:36:00)
Goosey: 2 little oranges, looking kind of old. Goosey tossed another, claiming it was mold. (19:36:36)
niekie: LOL (19:36:43)
Maryam: One little orange, jumping on the bed... no wait... (19:36:55)
Goosey: LOL (19:37:03)
Sessie: One little orange, sitting in the bowl. Goosey tossed it out 'cause now she's on a roll. (19:37:08)
niekie: LOL LOL (19:37:16)
Goosey: hahaha (19:37:22)
iwpg: LOL (19:38:30)
Goosey: No little oranges, all of them were bad. Goosey is still hungry, and a little sad. (19:38:41)
Goosey: :( (19:38:47)
Sessie: LOL (19:38:48)
Goosey: hehehe (19:38:48)
niekie: Aw (19:38:50)
TalkingDog: td gots a pizza but doesn't want to rhyme. he makes the game room now. (19:39:06)
Goosey: LOL!! (19:39:15)
Sessie: LOL (19:39:18)

Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween Samweirdness (unedited)

Goosey: (16:35:37)
  Sessie: AAAAAHHH I've seen that (16:36:00)
  Sessie: nope nope nope (16:36:13)
  * Sessie watches it again (16:36:16)
  Sessie: NOPE (16:36:25)
  Goosey: LOL (16:36:50)
  Sessie: It's really well done. hehe (16:36:54)
  Goosey: It really is (16:37:01)
  * 10Kan made an entry into the "5-word spooky story" tag going around twitter. (16:37:25)
  Goosey: Great use of sound and light. (16:37:26)
  Sessie: yep (16:37:36)
  Sessie: 10K: ooh, what is it? (16:37:39)
  wintermute: (16:37:40)
  10Kan: It went "For sale: baby shoes... BOO!" (16:37:41)
  Sessie: LOL (16:37:46)
  Goosey: LOL (16:37:51)
  wintermute: (16:37:51)
  Goosey: Cute lil' bee!! (16:38:21)
  Goosey: creepy cheerleader! (16:38:33)
  wintermute: Hehe. I love those kids. (16:38:42)
  wintermute: They both did their own makeup, too. (16:38:58)
  Sessie: hehe so cute! (16:39:00)
  10Kan: Aww! (16:40:52)
  10Kan: Nice super-short horror film too. (16:41:25)
  * 10Kan was expecting a hand to reach out from under the bed, hit the switch on the power strip, and then a scream. (16:41:54)
  Goosey: hehe (16:44:04)
  Goosey: Sometimes expecting a jumpscare is worse than the jumpscare (16:44:14)
  Goosey: O_O (16:45:08)
dun dun dunnnn
  Sentynel: hahaha (16:45:24)
  : False alarm. It was only the cat. (16:46:03)
  Goosey: ARCHIE! (16:46:40)
  iwpg: LOL (16:46:40)
  10Kan: LOL (16:46:53)
  Goosey: AUGH (16:47:13)
  Goosey: Readily admitted. (16:47:20)
  Goosey: Tatokini! (16:49:33)
  Sam: Hello, Ivy. It's been a long time. (16:49:45)
  Sam: Once again, however, you've got all eyes on you. Ah-hahahahaha. (16:50:01)
  Sam: Potato joke there. (16:50:04)
  Goosey: LOL (16:50:07)
  Sam: Almost had a gag there. Joke, that is. (16:50:15)
  Goosey: LOL!! GREAT costume! (16:53:27)
  Goosey: Yay! (16:55:11)
  Sessie: ...what the (16:55:49)
  TalkingDog has entered. (16:55:51)
  Goosey: LOL LOL LOL (16:56:06)
  Goosey: TD hi! (16:56:16)
  TalkingDog: hai (16:56:21)
  Nyperold: Hello! (16:56:40)
  Sessie: hai teedee (16:56:44)
  Goosey: Oh yeah -- Sessie doesn't KNOW (16:56:44)
  10Kan: LOL (16:56:49)
  10Kan: Hi TD! (16:56:54)
  Goosey: ... (16:57:03)
  Sessie: LOL (16:57:07)
  Sam: Sessie, you poor thing. (16:57:09)
  Sessie: :( (16:57:14)
  Sam: All this RinkWorks culture that predates you. (16:57:15)
  Sessie: Right?! lol (16:57:23)
  Sam: Crash course: (16:57:24)
  Goosey: Lou: That's a lie. All we did was shake hands, and you wanted $60 for it. (16:57:28)
  * 10Kan hates to leave just as things were starting to get crazy-go-nuts, but he has to prepare for tonight's festivities. Happy All Hallow's Eve, y'all! (16:57:28)
  Goosey: Okay, and for signing my copy of Sinbad. (16:57:46)
  Sessie: Have fun 10K! (16:57:51)
  Goosey: 10K: Bye! Have fun! (16:57:54)
  10Kan: You too! (16:57:58)
  10Kan has left. (16:58:00)
  Nyperold: For the extended course, read UBT transcripts. (16:58:16)
  Sam: Sessie: If you're up for it, read the transcripts for Ultimate Bot Tournaments #3 and #4. (16:58:23)
  Goosey: They are fUNNEEE (16:58:32)
  Sessie: Sam: lol, I've been mostly all through there :D I'm guessing this is harkening back to the Paradise Island bit? (16:58:39)
  Goosey: ... Has there even been a UBT since Sessie joined us? (16:58:50)
  Sessie: No there has NOT! And there should totally be! (16:59:02)
  Sam: Although the bot tournaments were primarily about the games, there was a running pictorial story through each of them that introduced a whole host of RinkChat characters. (16:59:06)
  Sam: Yeah, there really should be. (16:59:12)
  Sam: Yeah, Paradise Island was #4. (16:59:23)
  Sessie: I read that one and it was frickin' AMAZEBALLS (16:59:40)
  Sessie: I need to read #3. And all of the other things. (16:59:53)
  Sessie: so many things (17:00:01)
  Goosey: Yes. and also the resulting novel Sam wrote. (17:00:06)
  Sessie: ACK yes yes I need that too (17:00:21)
  Sam: Ah, cool. Yeah, if you read #4, then you get the idea. #3 was more improvisational, because I didn't know I'd be telling a story. It just happened. (17:01:05)
  Goosey: It's really good. There are a couple of scenes even thinking back on that give me the chills. (17:01:10)
  Sessie: hehe (17:01:12)
  Sam: #5 has skits rather than an overarching story. (17:01:30)
  Sessie: The bot tournament version was awesome to read. (17:01:49)
  Goosey: Hahaha (17:02:15)
  Sessie: NAKERS (17:04:16)
  Goosey: LOL (17:04:17)
  Sam: Let's wait a respectful amount of time and check in with her later. (17:05:12)
  Goosey: hehehe (17:05:32)
  Goosey: "Are you supposed to be a diaper bride?" "Depends." (17:06:56)
  Sam: Sorry. (17:09:12)
  Goosey: Hurry up! (17:09:17)
  Sam: Something tells me I know what she's going to dress up as. (17:09:26)
  Goosey: Yeah, I'm getting the same idea. (17:09:46)
  Goosey: Hahahahahaha (17:10:19)
  Sam: You know, I have no memory of making all these Camou-Fairy costumes. (17:10:32)
  Sam: Apparently theyr'e all from Mini-UBT #2. (17:10:41)
  Goosey: LOL (17:10:42)
  * iwpg wonders what Camou-Fairy is dressing up as.... (17:11:01)
  Goosey: GOOD QUESTION (17:11:44)
  Sam: *flutter* (17:12:53)
  Goosey: Awww (17:12:55)
  [TalkingDog->Goosey] I slept a lot of late, but I had a flying dream. (17:12:56)
  iwpg: LOL (17:12:58)
  [Goosey->TalkingDog] yay flying! (17:13:04)
  Sam: Ha, this is funny. I still dont' remember it. (17:14:10)
  Sam: I should have kept doing skits with the fairies. (17:14:22)
  Nyperold: And then there's Camou-Jaffairy... (17:14:37)
  Goosey: Hahahaha (17:15:11)
  Goosey: "Dinare: what if I don't know any of the games? Sam: Dinare: THere is no possible way to teach you how to do what's about to happen. Just roll with everything." LOL (17:16:41)
  Goosey: I'm remembering this UBT. It was crazy-go-nuts. (17:16:50)
  Sam: hahaha (17:17:59)
  Sam: "I'll give you butterfly kisses with myself." (17:18:09)
  Goosey: LOL (17:18:24)
  Sam: Tacky to laugh at my own joke, maybe, but I dunno that I'm that funny anymore. (17:18:29)
  Goosey: I say if you don't remember saying it you can totally laugh at it. (17:20:05)
  Sentynel: apparently you can now access Facebook as a Tor hidden service. So you can.. anonymously hand over all your personal information to the evil megacorp? I'm not sure they've thought this through. (17:21:39)
  Goosey: lol (17:22:03)
  Sessie: lol, you are all silly. :D (17:23:33)
  Nyperold: I say if you would have laughed at it coming from someone else, it's fine. Especially given the amount of time that's passed. (17:24:19)
  Sam: Ok, I'm gone. Happy Halloween, all! (17:24:56)
  Goosey: Bye! :D (17:25:04)
  LaZorra has entered. (17:25:21)
  Sessie: Bye Sam! BOO! (17:25:25)
  LaZorra: GAH (17:25:25)
  Sentynel: Nice timing. (17:25:35)
  Nyperold: Hello! (17:25:38)
  Goosey: LAZORRA (17:25:39)
  Sessie: Hi LaZ! BOO! (17:25:39)
  * Sam HUGS LaZorra! (17:25:46)
  Sam has left. (17:25:57)

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Kalimeris: Today I dragged a heavy cart up a hill, and it was relevant to what we're learning in Physics, so I e-mailed my professor about it.
Sentynel: So you did a lot of work?
Goosey: hehe
Kalimeris: I was like "Hi! Today I did this with a heavy cart, and it was great, because now I can complain about it in a more specific manner rather than just being grumpy. Education won today."
Kalimeris: He's a fairly laid back/happy guy so it was okay that I did this.
Kalimeris: I guess I did a lot of work. Maybe in the Physics sense of it?
TalkingDog: If you accidentally let it roll back down, it would be sisyphysics.
Kalimeris: Certainly not in the Help Desk sense of it. Well maybe also in the Help Desk sense of it. Usually I just sit here and stare at the wall, then exorcise demons from the printers when they start acting possessed.
Goosey: TD: LOL
Kalimeris: I almost didn't make it up the hill.
Sentynel: Kali: Yeah, that was the subtle pun. work = force * distance and all that.
TalkingDog: I took a sisyphysics class, but I missed the final and have to retake the whole thing.
Goosey: LOL LOL

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Randy: Why does my tablet take FOREVER to charge?
Goosey: It hates you.
wintermute: You have it plugged into a potato.
Sessie: It is a potato.
TalkingDog: You are a potato.
Randy: One of those is possibly true.