Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Crooked glasses and dumb bugs

LaZorra: Okay, I've lost my focus. I think that means it's time to change coffee shops. :-p
LaZorra is away.
* Sentynel adjusts LaZ's glasses
LaZorra has left.

(an hour and a half passes)

LaZorra has entered.
Sentynel: LaZ!
LaZorra: Dude, it took me FOREVER to get here because for some reason I couldn't see straight.
Sentynel: LOL
LaZorra: And then I realize, it's because my glasses are all out of whack.
Sentynel: I wondered what happened to you.
LaZorra: It's the weirdest thing.
Sentynel: Tell you what is weird - the bug I'm looking at at the moment.
Sentynel: Apparently, it can't count above a day.

(Funny thing here is, my brain interprets this as him complaining about an insect that can't count. Then I realize he's talking about code.

Sentynel: The playlist length goes all screwy if it's over a day.
Sentynel: 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds? Absolutely fine.
LaZorra: YOUR FACE is weird.
Sentynel: Add a track and it jumps to 2 days, 1 hour.
Sentynel: And nothing above that does anything logical at all.
LaZorra: (Especially through these glasses.)
Sentynel: HOW RUDE
LaZorra: Sent. O.o
LaZorra: (that's what your face looks like)
Sentynel: LOL
iwpg: LOL
Goosey: LOL LOL

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