Friday, March 18, 2011

Flush the Snake AWAY!

geneva: This reminds me of a slightly unrelated story. One day I came home from a party really sleepy
geneva: and apparently I dropped my phone down the toilet
geneva: now, I was washing my hands when I looked and saw lights at the bottom of the toilet. I don't know what was going through my head but the first thing I thought was SNAKE!
geneva: my reaction to this was, for some reason, to flush said toilet repeatedly
goldfishy: Flush the snake away!
geneva: when the lights wouldn't go away I got curious and stuck my head in the bowl real close, and realized it was my phone
Kysle: My sister dropped her wallet/purse into an outhouse, once.
geneva: From that day on I realized my survival instincts were broken
geneva: 1) Lights = Snake.......what????
geneva: 2) Snake = FLUSH THE TOILET!!! FLUSH THE TOILET!!!! o.O What the heck....
geneva: and 3) It won't go away, so I'm going to stick my head REALLY CLOSE next to it.......>.<

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