Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Corn Chips

ThePhan: The interviewer said, "Gorgeous, gorgeous" to Gwyneth Paltrow's dress, but I thought he said, "Corn chips, corn chips."

Just Say SAID

ThePhan: I eventually want to film one of the talky scenes from the book with the actors doing EXACTLY what Meyer says her characters are doing. Because I'm pretty sure she just picks random words that can mean "said" and throws in adverbs and descriptions of gestures at random.
Sam: TP: UGH.
ThePhan: Her characters carry on calm discussions while they swoon and flail and their eyes flame right before they whisper tearfully and right after they snarl exotically.
Dave: Twighlight damages brains.
* Sam laughs, snarling exotically.

Big Teeth

ThePhan: Just saw an ad for Little Red Riding Hood. Is Mia/Mina/whatsherface ONLY going to be in dark remakes of children's stories?
Sam: The Twilight director is making that.
Sam: Which explains why it looks like Twilight.
ThePhan: Gah. Sad.
ThePhan: The Twilight director shouldn't make anything.
Sentynel: "My, what big teeth you have, Grandma!" "All the better to drink your blood with. What? That's cool now."
Sam: Sent: LOL


* ThePhan keeps on using nonexistent words in her conversation with her friend Anna. So far she's talked about something "not working Internetly" and expressed doubt about Anne Hathaway's "hostyness."

Sam Won't Share

Mia: You know you care, Sam.
NessaChan: lol.
Sentynel: He's just jealous 'cos he doesn't look as good in a dress.
Randy: LOL
ThePhan: Does Captain Kirk look better in the dress?
Sentynel: Only if it's a warp dress.
ThePhan: Because maybe he should share.
Sam: I will not share.
Randy: Meany.
NessaChan: Captain Kirk makes everything look fabulous.

Hokey Cokey

ThePhan: OK, Internet is iffyish in here. So I may jump in and out.
goldfishy: In out, in out, you shake it all about! You do the hokey cokey and you turn around - and that's what Phan's net's all about! HEY!
ThePhan: goldfishy: LOL

Syntax Error

Randy: gtffffffffxgtttttttttttttttttttttt dcvc
niekie: Parsing failed. Syntax error.
Randy: sorry, 2 year old typing

This Post Is Hilarious~

Goosey: Oh yay~
Goosey: !
Goosey: Hrm. That ~ almost makes it look sarcastic.
Sam: Oh no, that totally doesn't look sarcastic~
Sam: By the way, you are SO awesome~
Goosey: LOL
Sam: I'm whooping for joy over here~
Sam: You're right, that does work.
Goosey: I KNEW we'd find a reason for that funny little symbol someday.
Sentynel: There's already a reason. It's your home directory on Unix systems.
Sentynel: Now I'm forever going to be thinking my file paths are being sarcastic at me.
iwpg: LOL
Sam: That makes ~2 uses for it so far!
Sam: If only we could think of a third....
Sentynel: LOL
Goosey: LOL
Goosey: You guys are so funny~


Ticia: Someone once asked me why we home school, and I jokingly answered "Because we're anti-socialists." She said "Oh, that's not true! You're one of the most social people I know!"
Goosey: LOL LOL
Ticia: And then I laughed, silently, for hours.


Goosey: Why? Why why why do I like scary movies?
Ticia: Because the word frission is one of the coolest words (and feelings) in the world?
Ticia: Just say it. "Frission"
Ticia: Frissssssssion

Hon vs. Babe

* Ticia is all caught up on links now.
* Grishny unhooks Ticia from the links
Grishny: There you go, hon.
Grishny: You had some trailers.
Grishny: Those things just stick to everything, don't they?
Maryam: I totally thought that was Goosey. Especially because of the "hon".
Goosey: LOL
Grishny: Dang. I knew I should have gone with "babe"

In chat, Grish and I look an awful lot alike. Outside of chat, not so much. ;)

Mouthful of What?

Maryam: iwpg: Did you forget how to finish words?
Grishny: Thi i aweso wa to ta! I ma perfe sen!
Goosey: LOL
Grishny: That actually sounds like someone talking with a mouth full of food.
Goosey: O_O
Goosey: Oh, "food" not "blood" which is how I first read it.
Ticia: LOL
Grishny: Believe it or not, after I typed it and hit enter, I reread it and thought "mouthful of blood' too.

Fries and Chips

* TalkingDog has a well-balanced lunch today. Fries AND chips, with a side of we-need-to-go-shopping.


Maryam: Ok, so I need a strategy for dealing with my stupid rude poophead of a neighbor.
Maryam: Part of the strategy will be not calling them that to their face.


Sentynel: I have just discovered the oddest music ever.
Sentynel: It's a hybrid of pop-techno and death metal.
Sentynel: Some genre fusion music works really well. And then there's this.
Goosey: Why do people enjoy "singing" that sounds like Legion clearing its collective throat?
TalkingDog: That is the best description ever.