Friday, July 29, 2011

Sea-faghrihng cats

Note: Revan's parting line here has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with any of the previous conversation -- or ANYTHING IN THE WORLD for that matter.

Revan: Cats' kidneys are so efficient they can rehydrate from sea water. Night!
Revan has left.
Goosey: What?
redsang: Well that made my night.
redsang: I was worried about those sea-faring cats.
redsang: *fareing? faireeng? Faghrihng?
Goosey: LOL
redsang: It just didn't look right.
Goosey: hehe
* LaZorra now has "The Owl and the Pussycat" in her head.
LaZorra: "The owl and the pussycat went to sea, and the owl died because he had weaker kidneys."
TalkingDog: wat.
LaZorra: 0.0
* LaZorra has been awake too long.


TalkingDog: donut. nom.
Revan: I had one of those for lunch today, with some peach tea, a Fiji apple and jalapeno cheddar bagel. Kroger lunches are always fun before work. :-D
* TalkingDog has never had a donut and a bagel at the same time.
Goosey: LOL
TalkingDog: Linking them together would be the coolest magic trick.
LaZorra: TalkingDog, Food Magician!
LaZorra: "Watch me make this muffin DISAPPEAR!"
TalkingDog: marmf.