Friday, December 11, 2009


goldfishy: There's a flugel in our bathroom having a bath
Sentynel: Isn't a flügel a wing?
goldfishy: It's a brass instrument
Sentynel: Ooh, flügelhorn. I didn't know those took baths.
goldfishy: They do when they're manky
goldfishy: My Dad's trumpet gets a bath every now and then too
goldfishy: It was a little odd to walk in there and see it just laying there - looked like it could have done with a few aromatherapy candles :-p

The Abyss

* Michael returns from the abyss.
Goosey: The abyss?
Michael: Sure. Why not?
Goosey: Good a place as any to return from.
Michael: It sounds better than:
* Michael returns from not being around for a long time.
Goosey: LOL
Goosey: Good point.

Happy Birthday, RinkWorks! Have some typos!

[RinkChat] The chat room's topic has been changed to 'Happy 12th Birthday, RinkWorks!' by Sam.
wintermute: Sam: What did you buy it?
goldfishy: More importantly - is there cake?
Sam: A shiny new topic for Mountain Stream.
wintermute: CAKE!
Randy: Yay!!!
Goosey: caaaaaaaaake
LaZorra: CAKE
LaZorra: ...or something.
* LaZorra thinks her brain tried to get out "chat" and "cake" at the same time.
LaZorra: :-.
* LaZorra should stat making balloon animals instead.
* LaZorra twists and twists and pops and pops.
* Goosey points at the other typo she just made fun of.
LaZorra: Oh.

Best of Dave

(Here is some random RinkChat conversation, peppered with Dave randomly inserting his favorite lines of himself . The conversation by itself is great, but the random comments make it even better.)

Dave: I just discovered today that Bodog lets me bet on the outcome of the Academy Awards.
Randy: NO! WHY?
Nyperold: So you could become a Bodog millionaire?
Goosey: LOL
Randy: Commercial for the Chipmunks sequel
Goosey: Randy: Oh yeah -- saw that.
Randy: It looks just awful
Dave: Poop casserole
Nyperold: SQUEAKUEL.
Goosey: I think Dave summed it up very well just there.
* Revan's frontal lobe explodes.
Nyperold: Yeah, no real desire to see either one.
Randy: Right
ThePhan has entered.
ThePhan has entered.
ThePhan: I am here twice.
ThePhan: That is how I make up for leaving.
Randy: ThePhan squared!
* LaZorra is running on three and a half hours of sleep.
LaZorra: And homemade gingersnaps.
Revan: Hey LaZorra, ThePhan and clone.
Dave: Overweight is a disease all fat people have.
LaZorra: BUT.
LaZorra: I am DONE with my LAST CLASS of my FIRST SEMESTER of grad school.
Randy: WOOOO!!!
Randy: but boo for projects of doom
Dave: Basically this is something I need Geordi LaForge to make me. Since clearly this is Trek level tech.
LaZorra: Randy: I have to code the world in Flash.
Randy: Ouch
Goosey: LOL
Randy: I could maybe code Micronesia...
LaZorra: Dave: That's how I feel about my final project.
Dave: Because I thought it was nacho cheese.
Goosey: LOL Best of Dave makes any conversation better.


(Talking about my Pandora station)

Goosey: I've been getting Jonathan Coulton even, which was a pleasant surprise.
ThePhan: Jonathan Coulton!
ThePhan: He makes my life awesomem.
ThePhan: So awesome it has an extra M at the end.

Sillt Randy

[Randy->ThePhan, Goosey] took some pics of my hair growing experiment. Its sillt
[Goosey->Randy, ThePhan] SHOW
[ThePhan->Randy, Goosey] Where are these pictures?
[ThePhan->Randy, Goosey] If you don't show us, we will just have to assume you are lying and it is not sillt at all. :-P