Sunday, July 31, 2011


Goosey: Today I am struck by exactly how dark my hair has gotten.
Goosey: I USED to be blonde.
Goosey: And now I'm . . . really brunette.
Ticia: Hehe
Goosey: It's weird.
Goosey: Lovely color, though.
Goosey: It finally transitioned through that awful dishwater-weathered-barn-door color.
Goosey: Now it's almost a chestnut in the right light.
Goosey: Why does that word look funny today?
Ticia: chestnut?
Goosey: Yeah
Ticia: I was thinking the same thing.
Goosey: Maybe it's the font -- the t's look particularly punctuative today.
Goosey: chesTnuT
Ticia: Maybe it's the "A" right in front of it.
Ticia: I think of nuts, not color.
Goosey: What A?
Goosey: LOL
Goosey: Oh
Ticia: I would probably say your hair is chestnut, not A chestnut
Goosey: Your hair is a pecan.
Ticia: Hehe
Ticia: Mine's more of a walnut.
Ticia: We're such dorks.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Eat at ???

Goosey: Bonnie wants you guys opinion on where we should go grab food
Goosey: She says burgers are out
Randy: Taco Bell?
ThePhan: Pizza.
ThePhan: Because I wish I had pizza.
Goosey: Pizza is out too. She WORKS at Domino's.
Goosey: *LIVES
ThePhan: Chinese.
ThePhan: Because I also wish I had Chinese.
* ThePhan is just hungry. She may need a snack.
Goosey: Chinese is out. She's been to China. The food was bad.
Goosey: She says you guys aren't good at this game.
ThePhan: ...Thai?
Goosey: LOL
ThePhan: A sandwich place!
ThePhan: Applebee's!
ThePhan: A chicken place!
ThePhan: IHOP!
ThePhan: Raid my fridge!
Goosey: LOL
Goosey: We've decided on Subway.
ThePhan: Yum.
Goosey: Thank for playing.

Scary Don

Ticia: Don just scared ten bejeebers out of me.
Ticia: I stood up in the dark room I was in to go get kids to bed, and he was standing right behind me, silently staring at me.
Ticia: I stood up and suddenly I was face to face with him. DIED
Ticia: So, he is getting pillows and blankets for the kids and the neighbor girl, who is sleeping over, and I am recovering from dying of fright.
Randy: LOL
Goosey: LOL LOL
Ticia: I don't know how long he'd been standing there, but man, he is evil.
Ticia: Of course, I love that completely.
Ticia: Oh, it's fun to stand >< this close to the bathroom door when Don is in there and scare him. Hehe
Ticia: *scare him when he comes out
Goosey: LOL
Ticia: Or to arrange my blankets and pillows to look like I'm in bed, and then lie in wait on the floor beside the bed. He usually doesn't turn on the light when he comes home, because he doesn't want to wake me.
Ticia: hehehe
Ticia: scaring Don is an olympic event in this house.
Ticia: He's so pleased with himself right now.
Randy: LOL
Ticia: I made him go pick up my Five Guys food to make up for it. It should be ready just about now.
Goosey: mmmm
Ticia: So hungry.
Ticia: I'm going to go downstairs and wait for him to return.
Ticia is away.
(so he can't do the scaring thing again.)

Ordering Guys

Ticia: I just ordered Five Guys online. Hehehe
Sam: You can order guys online?
Sam: I should have known.

Ten minutes later . . .

* Goosey adds on to it too late
Ticia: How many of them are Study Guys?
Randy: hehe

Bouts of WordPress

LaZorra: One of many things I hate a bout WordPress.
* Sentynel hates bouts of WordPress too.
LaZorra: Yeah. I have to take like six aspirin every time they come up.

Heavy Metal Toys

Discussing the aliens from Toy Story

* TalkingDog somehow imagined Maryam saying that in a death metal growl. *blink*
Maryam: LOL
Maryam: Look, here they come... headbang furiously!
Goosey: LOL LOL
goldfishy: Hahaha that would be hilarious - Maryam singing a death metal tribute to Toy Story
goldfishy: Ohohoh! And then her follow up single could be about Up entitled "SQUIRREL!"
Goosey: fishy: YES
Maryam: Unfortunately I just do not have a death metaly voice.
goldfishy: Hmm well we will find someone with an appropriate voice, make them record it, and you can lip sync!
goldfishy: Rink Unions will never be the same again...
Sentynel: TD: I'd totally listen to that.
Maryam: TD: ahahahaha
* goldfishy HIGH-FIVES TD!
goldfishy: Me too!
Goosey: TD: WIN

Moaning brains

Sentynel: Are your brains moaning "zombiiiiiiies...."?
Maryam: LOL
Goosey: LOL

Friday, July 29, 2011

Sea-faghrihng cats

Note: Revan's parting line here has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with any of the previous conversation -- or ANYTHING IN THE WORLD for that matter.

Revan: Cats' kidneys are so efficient they can rehydrate from sea water. Night!
Revan has left.
Goosey: What?
redsang: Well that made my night.
redsang: I was worried about those sea-faring cats.
redsang: *fareing? faireeng? Faghrihng?
Goosey: LOL
redsang: It just didn't look right.
Goosey: hehe
* LaZorra now has "The Owl and the Pussycat" in her head.
LaZorra: "The owl and the pussycat went to sea, and the owl died because he had weaker kidneys."
TalkingDog: wat.
LaZorra: 0.0
* LaZorra has been awake too long.


TalkingDog: donut. nom.
Revan: I had one of those for lunch today, with some peach tea, a Fiji apple and jalapeno cheddar bagel. Kroger lunches are always fun before work. :-D
* TalkingDog has never had a donut and a bagel at the same time.
Goosey: LOL
TalkingDog: Linking them together would be the coolest magic trick.
LaZorra: TalkingDog, Food Magician!
LaZorra: "Watch me make this muffin DISAPPEAR!"
TalkingDog: marmf.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Crooked glasses and dumb bugs

LaZorra: Okay, I've lost my focus. I think that means it's time to change coffee shops. :-p
LaZorra is away.
* Sentynel adjusts LaZ's glasses
LaZorra has left.

(an hour and a half passes)

LaZorra has entered.
Sentynel: LaZ!
LaZorra: Dude, it took me FOREVER to get here because for some reason I couldn't see straight.
Sentynel: LOL
LaZorra: And then I realize, it's because my glasses are all out of whack.
Sentynel: I wondered what happened to you.
LaZorra: It's the weirdest thing.
Sentynel: Tell you what is weird - the bug I'm looking at at the moment.
Sentynel: Apparently, it can't count above a day.

(Funny thing here is, my brain interprets this as him complaining about an insect that can't count. Then I realize he's talking about code.

Sentynel: The playlist length goes all screwy if it's over a day.
Sentynel: 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds? Absolutely fine.
LaZorra: YOUR FACE is weird.
Sentynel: Add a track and it jumps to 2 days, 1 hour.
Sentynel: And nothing above that does anything logical at all.
LaZorra: (Especially through these glasses.)
Sentynel: HOW RUDE
LaZorra: Sent. O.o
LaZorra: (that's what your face looks like)
Sentynel: LOL
iwpg: LOL
Goosey: LOL LOL

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Triple negative

* Goosey is staying up way too late with no good reason
* Goosey also now has hiccups.
Randy: BOOO!
LaZorra: The hiccups are a good reason to stay up.
Goosey: Randy: That always sounds like you are objecting strenuously to the hiccups.
Randy: Well I'm also doing that.
Goosey: LOL
LaZorra: LOL, I didn't get that that's NOT what he wasn't doing.
LaZorra: That's...that it...isn't what he wasn't doing...or something.
Goosey: LOL LOL
LaZorra: I AM TIRED OKAYYYYYyyyyyyyyyxzzzzz
Goosey: LOL aww


* Goosey HUGS LaZora!
Goosey: *r
* LaZorra HUGS Gosey!
Goosey: :P
LaZorra: hee
* Randy HUGS LaZorra!
* LaZorra HUGS Randy-who-has-no-dublicate-letters-in-his-name!
* LaZorra dubs Randy into another language.
Randy: I am a dublicate Randy. I got messed up in the lab
Goosey: LOL
LaZorra: LOL
Randy: I am a dublicate Randy. I got messed up in the lab
Randy: gah!
Randy: I meanr
Randy: meant
Randy: Jsem dublicate Randy. Jsem se spletl v laboratoĊ™i
Randy: silly google translate
Goosey: LOL
LaZorra: LOL LOL

Monday, July 25, 2011

Lowercase cravings

Goosey: Last night I dreamed I harvested my lone surviving carrot . . .
Goosey: It was dark red, and huge, and had several small round carrots also attached to the same stem . . . so weird . . .
Goosey: Then later in the dream, which involved a strange beach strewn with barbecued ribs . . . Neil Gaiman and Ian McKellen (who was an author in my dream) were fighting over which one of them got me as a writing assistant. :D
Goosey: O__O
LaZorra: er.
* LaZorra forgot she turned her capslock on instead of hitting shift.
* LaZorra is only having lowercase barbecue cravings.

Cute fat pink ... and tired

Goosey: I helped bathe a baby! :D
Randy: awwwwww
Randy: How old?
Goosey: 3 months. :D
Randy: Cute
Goosey: Cute, fat, pink ... hee!
LaZorra: Sounds like the chicken nuggets I had for dinner.
Goosey: LOL LOL
Randy: those might not have been cooked well...
Goosey: And ew, chicken nuggets should NOT be pink.
LaZorra: hehe
LaZorra: I didn't actually have chicken nuggets for dinner.
LaZorra: For some reason, they equate to pink in my head.
* LaZorra is way, way tired.


* Randy is a blonde. Like really blonde.
wintermute: You know that the trailing E makes it feminine, right?
wintermute: On men, it's "blond".
Randy: Really? Then what do I say
Randy: Oh
Randy: Um
Nyperold: You know, someone could say, "Well, that proves it!"...
Goosey: LOL

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Big puddle

ThePhan: I just glanced out the library window and thought, "Holy cow, that is a HUGE puddle the rain made on the ground!" But really I'd just forgotten that the library is right next to the lake.

Movie warning

Goosey: Hallo!
Goosey: So, last night . . . saw the first 20 minutes of Harry Potter . . .
Goosey: But my sister wasn't feeling well . . . and she threw up. :(
Goosey: So we got refund tickets and will see the movie Monday night.
* Sentynel makes note - "don't see Harry Potter, will make you vomit."

Friday, July 15, 2011


Randy has entered.
Maryam: Randy!
Randy: Hola mi amigas y amigos
TalkingDog: Taco.
Goosey: LOL

Stop hitting yourself!

Sentynel: You ever woken up with an arm completely numb?
Goosey: LOL yeah. Not comfy.
Goosey: Especially when you are trying to turn off the alarm before your roommate kills you.
Sentynel: Mostly my problem is I don't entirely twig that it's completely numb, and try and move it.
Sentynel: Getting no feedback, more muscle power is applied
Sentynel: Which results in my slightly rubbery, unresponsive hand impacting my face at great velocity.
Sentynel: This happens annoyingly frequently.
Goosey: LOL
Maryam: You're the only person I know of to play the "stop hitting yourself!" game with yourself.
Goosey: LOL LOL
Sentynel: Maryam: LOL. I shall remember that next time it happens and crack myself up while nursing a sore nose.

Brain drain

Sentynel: Also, my resting heart rate is so low that if I stand up suddenly all the brain drains out of my blood, which in severe cases can lead to straight-up collapsing, and failing that rapid sitting down and waiting for my vision to return.
Sentynel: Um.
Sentynel: *blood drains out of my brain
Maryam: LOL!
Maryam: Do zombies have a high brain level in their blood?
Goosey: LOL

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sentynel's Maroks

* Sentynel communicates solely in sentences ending in exclamation maroks!
Sentynel: ...
Sentynel: *marks