Thursday, September 10, 2009

Jealousy and High School Psychics

* MSB is disappointed that no one's jealous of me getting to hang out with LaZorra all this week.
Ghost of Sam
: MSB: I'm jealous of both of you.
LaZorra: One chameleon to rule them all?
Ghost of Sam: *hug MSB*
ThePhan: MSB: I am, but if I speak of it, my jealousy will leak out my ears and make it hard to hear my music.
Randy: MSB: I can't even mention how jealous I am!
Goosey: MSB: That's because our jealousy is such that it is physically inexpressible.
Randy: Or what Phan said!
MSB: TP: your jealousy needs a higher viscocity.
* LaZorra is jealous of herself.
Goosey: LOL
hePhan: My jealousy needs to look up what "viscoscity" means.
Goosey: TP's jealousy needs more gelatin.
LaZorra: TP: LOL
ThePhan: ...and spell it right.
LaZorra: TP: Has to do with thickness or solidity.
Goosey: My jealousy is gelatinous. So there.
* LaZorra paid too much attention in highschool pysichs.
LaZorra: Er, PHYSICS.
MSB: viscosity : the state of being thick, sticky, and semifluid in consistency, due to internal friction.
Goosey: They must have been cute high school psychics, LaZ.
* LaZorra was not trained by psychics in high school.
Sentynel: There's no such thing as paying too much attention in Physics.
Revan: Fangoriously... Gelatinous...
Sentynel: Paying too much attention to psychics is an entirely different matter.
LaZorra: Goosey: No, but they could tell that they would be in the future.
LaZorra: Sent: LOL
LaZorra: Fact.
Goosey: Did your study guys know you were ogling the psychics?
LaZorra: Goosey: :-.
LaZorra: O:-)

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